从 MP3 中提取歌词
有人可以解释一下如何从 mp3 文件中提取歌词吗?我尝试过,但找不到任何用于此目的的文档。就像专辑封面一样,我们如何将其提取到文本文件中?在Java中可以吗?
Could someone explain how to extract the lyrics from an mp3 file?I tried but I can't get any documents for this purpose.Just like the album art, how can we extract it in to a text file? Is it possible in Java?
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看看这个库:https: //web.archive.org/web/20170718142051/http://www.fightingquaker.com:80/myid3/
Take a look at this library: https://web.archive.org/web/20170718142051/http://www.fightingquaker.com:80/myid3/
It should do what you need.
MP3 不存储超出(乐器和)歌手声波的“歌词”。
因此,如果定义了这些内容,则 MP3 标签库可以提取它们。如果做不到这一点,请参见上文。
我怀疑音乐所有者在家中编码的 MP3 是否附有歌词。最近从 iTunes 购买的 MP3 可能是一个不同的故事。
MP3s do not store 'lyrics' beyond the sound wave of the (instruments and) vocalist.
If you want the lyrics, look to voice recognition. With the way many singers mumble, good luck with that.
Dave Newton points out:
So if those are defined, an MP3 tag library can extract them. Failing that, see above.
I doubt any MP3s encoded at home by owners of the music have lyrics attached. MP3s bought recently off iTunes might be a different story.