为什么 gif 动画图像需要这么长时间才能加载?
为什么简单的动画 gif 图像需要很长时间才能在浏览器中开始平滑地呈现动画,即使文件大小小于同一页面上已加载的其他非动画图像文件的累积文件大小?
Why do simple animated gif images take so long to load before they start animating smoothly in a browser, even when the file size is smaller than the cumulative file size of other non-animated image files that have already loaded on the same page?
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Simpleton,查看此链接,这似乎是一个常见问题:http://code.google .com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=295 和:http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t= 478663&start=0
从浏览这两个链接来看,似乎 1) 浏览器的设计限制了 gif 的 FPS 或 2)您的浏览器使用 webkit,加载 gif 的速度很慢,切换到其他浏览器可能会加快加载速度。
Simpleton, check out this link, it seems to be a common issue: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=295 and: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=478663&start=0
From skimming these two links, it seems that 1) either the design of the browser limits the FPS of gifs or 2) your browser uses a webkit that loads gifs slowly, and switching to a different browser may speed it up.