
发布于 2024-12-26 13:26:54 字数 448 浏览 1 评论 0原文



A: XZ-4, XZ-23, XZ-217
B: 1276, 1899, 22711
C: 12-4, 12-75, 12

目标:如果用户输入供应商 B 的字符串“XZ-217”,算法应比较以前的数据并说:该字符串与供应商 B 以前的数据不相似。

有没有一些好的方法/工具来实现这样的比较?答案可能是一些通用算法或 Perl 模块。

编辑: 我同意,“相似性”很难定义。但我想了解算法,它可以分析之前的大约 100 个样本,然后将分析结果与新数据进行比较。相似性可能基于长度、字符/数字的使用、字符串创建模式、相似的开头/结尾/中间、有一些分隔符。


I have many vendors in database, they all differ in some aspect of their data. I'd like to make data validation rule which is based on previous data.


A: XZ-4, XZ-23, XZ-217
B: 1276, 1899, 22711
C: 12-4, 12-75, 12

Goal: if user inputs string 'XZ-217' for vendor B, algorithm should compare previous data and say: this string is not similar to vendor B previous data.

Is there some good way/tools to achieve such comparison? Answer could be some generic algoritm or Perl module.

The "similarity" is hard to define, i agree. But i'd like to catch to algorithm, which could analyze previous ca 100 samples and then compare the outcome of analyze with new data. Similarity may based on length, on use of characters/numbers, string creation patterns, similar beginning/end/middle, having some separators in.

I feel it is not easy task, but on other hand, i think it has very wide use. So i hoped, there is already some hints.

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对你的占有欲 2025-01-02 13:26:54

乔尔和我也提出了类似的想法。下面的代码区分了 3 种类型的区域。

  1. 一个或多个非单词字符
  2. 字母数字簇
  3. 一组数字


use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw<max min>;

sub compile_search_expr { 
    @_ = @{ shift() } if @_ == 1;
    my $str 
        = join( '|'
              , map { join( ''
                           , grep { defined; } 
                             map  {
                                 $_ eq 'P' ? quotemeta;
                               : $_ eq 'W' ? "\\w{$_->[1],$_->[2]}"
                               : $_ eq 'D' ? "\\d{$_->[1],$_->[2]}"
                               :             undef
                            } @$_ 
                } @_ == 1 ? @{ shift } : @_
    return qr/^(?:$str)$/;

sub merge_profiles {
    my ( $profile_list, $new_profile ) = @_;
    my $found = 0;
    for my $profile ( @$profile_list ) { 
        my $profile_length = @$profile;

        # it's not the same profile.
        next PROFILE unless $profile_length == @$new_profile;
        my @merged;
        for ( my $i = 0; $i < $profile_length; $i++ ) { 
            my $old = $profile->[$i];
            my $new = $new_profile->[$i];
            next PROFILE unless $old->[0] eq $new->[0];
            push( @merged
                , [ $old->[0]
                  , min( $old->[1], $new->[1] )
                  , max( $old->[2], $new->[2] ) 
        @$profile = @merged;
        $found = 1;
        last PROFILE;
    push @$profile_list, $new_profile unless $found;

sub compute_info_profile { 
    my @profile_chunks
        = map { 
              /\W/ ? [ P => $_ ]
            : /\D/ ? [ W => length, length ]
            :        [ D => length, length ]
        grep { length; } split /(\W+)/, shift

# Psuedo-Perl
sub process_input_task { 
    my ( $application, $input ) = @_;

    my $patterns = $application->get_patterns_for_current_customer;
    my $regex    = $application->compile_search_expr( $patterns );

    if    ( $input =~ /$regex/ ) {}
    elsif ( $application->approve_divergeance( $input )) {
        $application->merge_profiles( $patterns, compute_info_profile( $input ));
    else { 
           Incident->new( issue    => INVALID_FORMAT
                        , input    => $input
                        , customer => $customer 

    return $application->process_approved_input( $input );

Joel and I came up with similar ideas. The code below differentiates 3 types of zones.

  1. one or more non-word characters
  2. alphanumeric cluster
  3. a cluster of digits

It creates a profile of the string and a regex to match input. In addition, it also contains logic to expand existing profiles. At the end, in the task sub, it contains some pseudo logic which indicates how this might be integrated into a larger application.

use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw<max min>;

sub compile_search_expr { 
    @_ = @{ shift() } if @_ == 1;
    my $str 
        = join( '|'
              , map { join( ''
                           , grep { defined; } 
                             map  {
                                 $_ eq 'P' ? quotemeta;
                               : $_ eq 'W' ? "\\w{$_->[1],$_->[2]}"
                               : $_ eq 'D' ? "\\d{$_->[1],$_->[2]}"
                               :             undef
                            } @$_ 
                } @_ == 1 ? @{ shift } : @_
    return qr/^(?:$str)$/;

sub merge_profiles {
    my ( $profile_list, $new_profile ) = @_;
    my $found = 0;
    for my $profile ( @$profile_list ) { 
        my $profile_length = @$profile;

        # it's not the same profile.
        next PROFILE unless $profile_length == @$new_profile;
        my @merged;
        for ( my $i = 0; $i < $profile_length; $i++ ) { 
            my $old = $profile->[$i];
            my $new = $new_profile->[$i];
            next PROFILE unless $old->[0] eq $new->[0];
            push( @merged
                , [ $old->[0]
                  , min( $old->[1], $new->[1] )
                  , max( $old->[2], $new->[2] ) 
        @$profile = @merged;
        $found = 1;
        last PROFILE;
    push @$profile_list, $new_profile unless $found;

sub compute_info_profile { 
    my @profile_chunks
        = map { 
              /\W/ ? [ P => $_ ]
            : /\D/ ? [ W => length, length ]
            :        [ D => length, length ]
        grep { length; } split /(\W+)/, shift

# Psuedo-Perl
sub process_input_task { 
    my ( $application, $input ) = @_;

    my $patterns = $application->get_patterns_for_current_customer;
    my $regex    = $application->compile_search_expr( $patterns );

    if    ( $input =~ /$regex/ ) {}
    elsif ( $application->approve_divergeance( $input )) {
        $application->merge_profiles( $patterns, compute_info_profile( $input ));
    else { 
           Incident->new( issue    => INVALID_FORMAT
                        , input    => $input
                        , customer => $customer 

    return $application->process_approved_input( $input );
删除→记忆 2025-01-02 13:26:54



A: (?^:\w{2,2}(?:\-){1}\d{1,3})
B: (?^:\d{4,5})
C: (?^:\d{2,2}(?:\-)?\d{0,2})


#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use List::MoreUtils qw'uniq each_arrayref';

my %examples = (
  A => [qw/ XZ-4 XZ-23 XZ-217 /],
  B => [qw/ 1276 1899 22711 /],
  C => [qw/ 12-4 12-75 12 /],

foreach my $example (sort keys %examples) {
  print "$example: ", gen_regex(@{ $examples{$example} }) || "Generate failed!", "\n";

sub gen_regex {
  my @cases = @_;

  my %exploded;

  # ex. $case may be XZ-217
  foreach my $case (@cases) {
    my @parts = 
      grep { defined and length } 
      split( /(\d+|\w+)/, $case );

    # @parts are ( XZ, -, 217 )

    foreach (@parts) {
      if (/\d/) {
        # 217 becomes ['\d' => 3]
        push @{ $exploded{$case} }, ['\d' => length];

      } elsif (/\w/) {
        #XZ becomes ['\w' => 2]
        push @{ $exploded{$case} }, ['\w' => length];

      } else {
        # - becomes ['lit' => '-']
        push @{ $exploded{$case} }, ['lit' => $_ ];


  my $pattern = '';

  # iterate over nth element (part) of each case
  my $ea = each_arrayref(values %exploded);
  while (my @parts = $ea->()) {

    # remove undefined (i.e. optional) parts
    my @def_parts = grep { defined } @parts;

    # check that all (defined) parts are the same type
    my @part_types = uniq map {$_->[0]} @def_parts;
    if (@part_types > 1) {
      warn "Parts not aligned\n";
    my $type = $part_types[0]; #same so make scalar

    # were there optional parts?
    my $required = (@parts == @def_parts);

    # keep the values of each part
    # these are either a repitition or lit strings
    my @values = sort uniq map { $_->[1] } @def_parts;

    # these are for non-literal quantifiers
    my $min = $required ? $values[0] : 0;
    my $max = $values[-1];

    # write the specific pattern for each type
    if ($type eq '\d') {
      $pattern .= '\d' . "{$min,$max}";

    } elsif ($type eq '\w') {
      $pattern .= '\w' . "{$min,$max}";

    } elsif ($type eq 'lit') {
      # quote special characters, - becomes \-
      my @uniq = map { quotemeta } uniq @values;
      # join with alternations, surround by non-capture grouup, add quantifier
      $pattern .= '(?:' . join('|', @uniq) . ')' . ($required ? '{1}' : '?');

  # build the qr regex from pattern
  my $regex = qr/$pattern/;
  # test that all original patterns match (@fail should be empty)
  my @fail = grep { $_ !~ $regex } @cases;

  if (@fail) {
    warn "Some cases fail for generated pattern $regex: (@fail)\n";
    return '';
  } else {
    return $regex;


Here is my implementation and a loop over your test cases. Basically you give a list of good values to the function and it tries to build a regex for it.


A: (?^:\w{2,2}(?:\-){1}\d{1,3})
B: (?^:\d{4,5})
C: (?^:\d{2,2}(?:\-)?\d{0,2})


#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

use List::MoreUtils qw'uniq each_arrayref';

my %examples = (
  A => [qw/ XZ-4 XZ-23 XZ-217 /],
  B => [qw/ 1276 1899 22711 /],
  C => [qw/ 12-4 12-75 12 /],

foreach my $example (sort keys %examples) {
  print "$example: ", gen_regex(@{ $examples{$example} }) || "Generate failed!", "\n";

sub gen_regex {
  my @cases = @_;

  my %exploded;

  # ex. $case may be XZ-217
  foreach my $case (@cases) {
    my @parts = 
      grep { defined and length } 
      split( /(\d+|\w+)/, $case );

    # @parts are ( XZ, -, 217 )

    foreach (@parts) {
      if (/\d/) {
        # 217 becomes ['\d' => 3]
        push @{ $exploded{$case} }, ['\d' => length];

      } elsif (/\w/) {
        #XZ becomes ['\w' => 2]
        push @{ $exploded{$case} }, ['\w' => length];

      } else {
        # - becomes ['lit' => '-']
        push @{ $exploded{$case} }, ['lit' => $_ ];


  my $pattern = '';

  # iterate over nth element (part) of each case
  my $ea = each_arrayref(values %exploded);
  while (my @parts = $ea->()) {

    # remove undefined (i.e. optional) parts
    my @def_parts = grep { defined } @parts;

    # check that all (defined) parts are the same type
    my @part_types = uniq map {$_->[0]} @def_parts;
    if (@part_types > 1) {
      warn "Parts not aligned\n";
    my $type = $part_types[0]; #same so make scalar

    # were there optional parts?
    my $required = (@parts == @def_parts);

    # keep the values of each part
    # these are either a repitition or lit strings
    my @values = sort uniq map { $_->[1] } @def_parts;

    # these are for non-literal quantifiers
    my $min = $required ? $values[0] : 0;
    my $max = $values[-1];

    # write the specific pattern for each type
    if ($type eq '\d') {
      $pattern .= '\d' . "{$min,$max}";

    } elsif ($type eq '\w') {
      $pattern .= '\w' . "{$min,$max}";

    } elsif ($type eq 'lit') {
      # quote special characters, - becomes \-
      my @uniq = map { quotemeta } uniq @values;
      # join with alternations, surround by non-capture grouup, add quantifier
      $pattern .= '(?:' . join('|', @uniq) . ')' . ($required ? '{1}' : '?');

  # build the qr regex from pattern
  my $regex = qr/$pattern/;
  # test that all original patterns match (@fail should be empty)
  my @fail = grep { $_ !~ $regex } @cases;

  if (@fail) {
    warn "Some cases fail for generated pattern $regex: (@fail)\n";
    return '';
  } else {
    return $regex;

To simplify the work of finding the pattern, optional parts may come at the end, but no required parts may come after optional ones. This could probably be overcome but it might be hard.

吾家有女初长成 2025-01-02 13:26:54

如果有一个 Tie::StringApproxHash 模块,那么它就符合这里的要求。

我认为您正在寻找结合 String::Approx 的模糊逻辑功能的东西Tie::RegexpHash


If there was a Tie::StringApproxHash module, it would fit the bill here.

I think you're looking for something that combines the fuzzy-logic functionality of String::Approx and the hash interface of Tie::RegexpHash.

The former is more important; the latter would make light work of coding.

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