WordPress 主题框架 - 值得使用吗?
我一直在研究 WordPress 的 Thematic 主题框架 (http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/thematic)。我刚刚在一家进行大量 WP hack 的商店找到了一份工作,我正在研究主题是否可以用作我们“标准程序”的一部分。我有几次以 WP 为主题,只是通过复制二十或二十一,然后修改它,但我现在需要更深入地了解 WP 才能开始覆盖并真正扩展它(我的 PHP 技能还不错)。我的问题是:您认为 Thematic 值得使用吗?我担心的是:
对 PHP 作为 CGI 二进制文件运行的共享主机的性能影响,并且性能可能已经不太热
挂钩到 Thematic 的函数(挂钩到 WordPress)而不是直接挂钩到 WordPress 有什么意义?
如果主题项目被放弃,因为开发人员都死于飞机失事,如 Lynyrd Skynyrd(或其他原因),那我该怎么办?
我只是无法看到使用 Thematic 的优势 - 它提供了哪些 WordPress 尚未提供的功能?我正在寻找学习 Thematic 开发的理由,而不是直接学习 WordPress 开发。
I've been examining the Thematic Theme Framework for WordPress (http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/thematic). I just got a job at a shop that does a fair amount of WP hacks and I'm examining Thematic for use as part of our 'standard procedures'. I have themed WP a few times, just by copying twentyten or twentyeleven and then modifying it, but I'm at a point where I need to get deeper into WP to start overriding and really extending it (my PHP skills are decent). My question is: in your opinion, is Thematic worth using? My concerns are:
performance hits on shared hosting where PHP is being run as a CGI binary and performance may already be not-so-hot
what is the point of hooking into Thematic's functions (that hook into WordPress) instead of just hooking directly into WordPress?
if the Thematic project is abandoned because the developers all die in a plane crash a la Lynyrd Skynyrd (or for other reasons) where does that leave me?
I'm just having trouble seeing the advantages to using Thematic - what does it offer that WordPress doesn't do already? I'm looking for a justification for learning development with Thematic instead of just learning WordPress development directly.
All your rants are appreciated :)
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我在 WordPress 上开发了 http://reesenews.org/。我们考虑过使用 Thematic,但我需要的所有功能都已内置于 WordPress 中。确实,您的问题的答案是,您想更多地浏览哪个网站? WordPress 法典还是主题网站?
我发现我宁愿学习 WordPress 功能并使用 WordPress 产品本身,而不是使用主题框架添加另一层复杂性。如果您的 PHP 技能不错,您可能会有和我一样的感觉。
一旦您对主题开发人员感到满意,您就不会后悔学习 WordPress Codex。
I developed http://reesenews.org/ on WordPress. We thought about using Thematic but all of the functionality I need was already built into WordPress. Really, the answer to your question is, which site do you want to be looking at more? The WordPress codex or the Thematic website?
I found that I'd rather be learning WordPress functions and using the WordPress product itself rather than adding another layer of complexity with a theme framework. If your PHP skills are decent you will probably feel the same way that I did.
Once you feel comfortable as a theme developer you won't regret learning the WordPress codex.
我用它建立了 www.openproduct.cc 和 www.thatemilychappell.com。简单的例子,但至少有一些例子!
I used Thematic for numerous sites. I really enjoy using it. I find that once you get used to it, it is a rapid system to develop with. However, I don't know how well it scales. The community and support are great though. One thing it lacks is built in responsive-ness for mobile devices into the default thematic package, but it is something they are working on.
I built www.openproduct.cc and www.thatemilychappell.com with it. Simple examples but at least some examples!