在 Windows 7 64 位上运行时出现 Tiny Pe 文件格式程序错误
我正在尝试在 Windows 7 Ultimate 64 位中运行以下汇编代码(使用 Nasm 汇编)。
; tiny.asm
; MZ header
; The only two fields that matter are e_magic and e_lfanew
dw "MZ" ; e_magic
dw 0 ; e_cblp UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_cp UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_crlc UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_cparhdr UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_minalloc UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_maxalloc UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_ss UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_sp UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_csum UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_ip UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_cs UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_lsarlc UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_ovno UNUSED
times 4 dw 0 ; e_res UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_oemid UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_oeminfo UNUSED
times 10 dw 0 ; e_res2 UNUSED
dd pesig ; e_lfanew
; PE signature
dd "PE"
; PE header
dw 0x014C ; Machine (Intel 386)
dw 1 ; NumberOfSections
dd 0x4545BE5D ; TimeDateStamp UNUSED
dd 0 ; PointerToSymbolTable UNUSED
dd 0 ; NumberOfSymbols UNUSED
dw opthdrsize ; SizeOfOptionalHeader
dw 0x103 ; Characteristics (no relocations, executable, 32 bit)
; PE optional header
filealign equ 1
sectalign equ 1
%define round(n, r) (((n+(r-1))/r)*r)
dw 0x10B ; Magic (PE32)
db 8 ; MajorLinkerVersion UNUSED
db 0 ; MinorLinkerVersion UNUSED
dd round(codesize, filealign) ; SizeOfCode UNUSED
dd 0 ; SizeOfInitializedData UNUSED
dd 0 ; SizeOfUninitializedData UNUSED
dd start ; AddressOfEntryPoint
dd code ; BaseOfCode UNUSED
dd round(filesize, sectalign) ; BaseOfData UNUSED
dd 0x400000 ; ImageBase
dd sectalign ; SectionAlignment
dd filealign ; FileAlignment
dw 4 ; MajorOperatingSystemVersion UNUSED
dw 0 ; MinorOperatingSystemVersion UNUSED
dw 0 ; MajorImageVersion UNUSED
dw 0 ; MinorImageVersion UNUSED
dw 4 ; MajorSubsystemVersion
dw 0 ; MinorSubsystemVersion UNUSED
dd 0 ; Win32VersionValue UNUSED
dd round(filesize, sectalign) ; SizeOfImage
dd round(hdrsize, filealign) ; SizeOfHeaders
dd 0 ; CheckSum UNUSED
dw 2 ; Subsystem (Win32 GUI)
dw 0x400 ; DllCharacteristics UNUSED
dd 0x100000 ; SizeOfStackReserve UNUSED
dd 0x1000 ; SizeOfStackCommit
dd 0x100000 ; SizeOfHeapReserve
dd 0x1000 ; SizeOfHeapCommit UNUSED
dd 0 ; LoaderFlags UNUSED
dd 16 ; NumberOfRvaAndSizes UNUSED
; Data directories
times 16 dd 0, 0
opthdrsize equ $ - opthdr
; PE code section
db ".text", 0, 0, 0 ; Name
dd codesize ; VirtualSize
dd round(hdrsize, sectalign) ; VirtualAddress
dd round(codesize, filealign) ; SizeOfRawData
dd code ; PointerToRawData
dd 0 ; PointerToRelocations UNUSED
dd 0 ; PointerToLinenumbers UNUSED
dw 0 ; NumberOfRelocations UNUSED
dw 0 ; NumberOfLinenumbers UNUSED
dd 0x60000020 ; Characteristics (code, execute, read) UNUSED
hdrsize equ $ - $$
; PE code section data
align filealign, db 0
; Entry point
push byte 42
pop eax
codesize equ $ - code
filesize equ $ - $$
代码取自: http://www.phreedom.org/solar/code/tinype/
我创建了可执行文件使用:nasm -f bin -o tiny.exe tiny.asm 但是当我尝试运行tiny.exe时,出现错误:应用程序无法正确启动(0xc0000018)。
另一方面,在 Windows XP SP3 机器上运行完美。知道可能出了什么问题吗?
I'm trying to run the following assembly code (assembled with Nasm) in Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.
; tiny.asm
; MZ header
; The only two fields that matter are e_magic and e_lfanew
dw "MZ" ; e_magic
dw 0 ; e_cblp UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_cp UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_crlc UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_cparhdr UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_minalloc UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_maxalloc UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_ss UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_sp UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_csum UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_ip UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_cs UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_lsarlc UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_ovno UNUSED
times 4 dw 0 ; e_res UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_oemid UNUSED
dw 0 ; e_oeminfo UNUSED
times 10 dw 0 ; e_res2 UNUSED
dd pesig ; e_lfanew
; PE signature
dd "PE"
; PE header
dw 0x014C ; Machine (Intel 386)
dw 1 ; NumberOfSections
dd 0x4545BE5D ; TimeDateStamp UNUSED
dd 0 ; PointerToSymbolTable UNUSED
dd 0 ; NumberOfSymbols UNUSED
dw opthdrsize ; SizeOfOptionalHeader
dw 0x103 ; Characteristics (no relocations, executable, 32 bit)
; PE optional header
filealign equ 1
sectalign equ 1
%define round(n, r) (((n+(r-1))/r)*r)
dw 0x10B ; Magic (PE32)
db 8 ; MajorLinkerVersion UNUSED
db 0 ; MinorLinkerVersion UNUSED
dd round(codesize, filealign) ; SizeOfCode UNUSED
dd 0 ; SizeOfInitializedData UNUSED
dd 0 ; SizeOfUninitializedData UNUSED
dd start ; AddressOfEntryPoint
dd code ; BaseOfCode UNUSED
dd round(filesize, sectalign) ; BaseOfData UNUSED
dd 0x400000 ; ImageBase
dd sectalign ; SectionAlignment
dd filealign ; FileAlignment
dw 4 ; MajorOperatingSystemVersion UNUSED
dw 0 ; MinorOperatingSystemVersion UNUSED
dw 0 ; MajorImageVersion UNUSED
dw 0 ; MinorImageVersion UNUSED
dw 4 ; MajorSubsystemVersion
dw 0 ; MinorSubsystemVersion UNUSED
dd 0 ; Win32VersionValue UNUSED
dd round(filesize, sectalign) ; SizeOfImage
dd round(hdrsize, filealign) ; SizeOfHeaders
dd 0 ; CheckSum UNUSED
dw 2 ; Subsystem (Win32 GUI)
dw 0x400 ; DllCharacteristics UNUSED
dd 0x100000 ; SizeOfStackReserve UNUSED
dd 0x1000 ; SizeOfStackCommit
dd 0x100000 ; SizeOfHeapReserve
dd 0x1000 ; SizeOfHeapCommit UNUSED
dd 0 ; LoaderFlags UNUSED
dd 16 ; NumberOfRvaAndSizes UNUSED
; Data directories
times 16 dd 0, 0
opthdrsize equ $ - opthdr
; PE code section
db ".text", 0, 0, 0 ; Name
dd codesize ; VirtualSize
dd round(hdrsize, sectalign) ; VirtualAddress
dd round(codesize, filealign) ; SizeOfRawData
dd code ; PointerToRawData
dd 0 ; PointerToRelocations UNUSED
dd 0 ; PointerToLinenumbers UNUSED
dw 0 ; NumberOfRelocations UNUSED
dw 0 ; NumberOfLinenumbers UNUSED
dd 0x60000020 ; Characteristics (code, execute, read) UNUSED
hdrsize equ $ - $
; PE code section data
align filealign, db 0
; Entry point
push byte 42
pop eax
codesize equ $ - code
filesize equ $ - $
Code taken from: http://www.phreedom.org/solar/code/tinype/
I create the executable using: nasm -f bin -o tiny.exe tiny.asm
But when i'm trying to run the tiny.exe, i get an error: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000018).
From the other hand on a Windows XP SP3 machine runs flawlessly. Any idea what might be wrong?
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Windows 7 加载程序不接受小于
512的 filealign 和小于4096的sectionalign。编辑:
根据计数器 示例,似乎对齐限制是4/4。
The Windows 7 loader does not accept filealign less than
512and sectionalign less than4096.Edit:
In the light of counter examples, it seems that the alignment limits are 4/4.
Windows XP 对大小的要求比 Vista 或更高版本要小:
它接受截断的OptionalHeader,而更高版本的Windows 版本会拒绝该文件(如果该文件不完整)。
因此,您只需要添加填充即可使其在 Vista 或更高版本下运行。
有关更多详细信息和示例,请参阅我在 Corkami 上的 PE 页面 ,带有源代码和二进制文件。
Windows XP has smaller requirements in size than Vista or later:
it accepts a truncated OptionalHeader while later Windows version reject the file if it's not complete.
Thus, you just need to add padding to make it work under Vista or later.
see my PE page on Corkami for more details and examples, with sources and binaries.
(this has absolutely nothing to do with alignments)