我刚刚安装了 ITK 以在 iOS 上使用,当我编译它时,我收到了这些奇怪的错误。
安装 ITK 时,我浏览了此文档。最后一切都很好,但后来我开始努力在屏幕上实际显示 DICOM 图像的步骤,所以我使用了 这个。添加 2 个标头搜索路径以实际找到我需要的标头/类后,出现以下错误。

还有更多......但我想你明白了。我试过用谷歌搜索它们,但只发现其他一些人在 Linux 上遇到这个问题......在更改编译器或类似的东西之后......但我觉得这有点超出了我的理解范围,所以请帮助。
我尝试从 LLVM 更改为 gcc,但没有帮助,还尝试了 Xcode 版本 3.something、4 和 4.2,但还没有成功。
I just installed ITK for use on iOS and when I'm compiling it I get these weird errors.
When installing ITK i went through this document. All fine and ok at the end but then I strted working on the steps to actually show a DICOM image o screen, so I've used this one. After adding 2 more header search paths to actually find the headers/classes I needed I get the following errors.

There are a lot more ... but I think you get the idea. I've tried googling about them but only found some other people having this problem on linux ... after changing compilers or something like that ... but I feel like that is a bit over my head right now so please help.
I'vre tried to change from LLVM to gcc but it didn't help, also tried Xcode version 3.something, 4 and 4.2 and no luck yet.
Thank you in advance
显然你仍然缺少标题。我猜您的搜索路径不正确,或者您将它们添加到了错误的构建设置中。例如,如果路径是系统样式路径 (#include
You're clearly still missing headers. I'd guess your search paths are not correct or you added them to the wrong build setting. For example, if the paths are system-style paths (#include <header>) they should go in the Header Search Paths setting. However if they're user-style paths (#include "header.h") they should go in the User Header Search Paths setting.