在 JavaScript 中检查数组中的值?
var pageURL = location.href; // stores the URL of the current page in the var pageURL
var Page = Array ();
page [0] = "http://web1.com"
page [1] = "http://web2.com"
page [2] = "http://web3.com"
现在我想做一个函数(称为 nextPage)来检查数组中的哪一个页面等于 PageURL。我还需要一个按钮,所以当我单击它时,它将带我进入下一页。这意味着我想将页面增加 1。
I have a:
var pageURL = location.href; // stores the URL of the current page in the var pageURL
And I have :
var Page = Array ();
page [0] = "http://web1.com"
page [1] = "http://web2.com"
page [2] = "http://web3.com"
Now I want to make a function (called nextPage) to check which one of these pages in the array equals the PageURL. Also I need to have a button, so when I click it it will take me to the next page. What that mean I want to increment the page by 1.
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Then 转到下一页
You can use very simply
Then to go to the next page
根据 Joseph 的回答,完整的代码将如下所示:
另外,如果 IE 中对 indexOf 的支持对您来说是一个问题,请查看另一个 StackOverflow 问题的答案: 如何在 Internet Explorer 浏览器的 JavaScript 中修复 Array indexOf()
Based on Joseph's answer the full code would look something like this:
Also if support for indexOf is an issue for you in IE check out the answer to that from another StackOverflow question: How to fix Array indexOf() in JavaScript for Internet Explorer browsers