我正在尝试按照自述文件将 Prefuse 图形项目导入到 eclipse 中。
不幸的是,当我在 Windows 或 Ubuntu 中选择存档时,我看不到任何要导入的项目。我目前正在 Ubuntu 11.10、Eclipse Indigo 和 openJDK-7 中运行。
您可以使用 Eclipse 集成开发环境(可从 免费获取)加载源文件,然后 Eclipse 将为您编译软件。在 Eclipse 中,右键单击“Package Explorer”面板的背景并选择“Import”。然后选择“将现有项目放入工作区”。在出现的对话框中,单击“选择存档文件”单选按钮,然后浏览查找 prefuse 分发 zip 文件。然后,“prefuse”项目应该出现在下面的区域中。现在只需单击“完成”按钮即可导入该项目并构建它。
I'm attempting to import the Prefuse graphing project into eclipse following the readme.
The readme instructions seem fairly straight forward, import as an existing project and select archive.
Unfortunately when I select the archive in either Windows or Ubuntu, I cannot see any projects to import. I'm currently running in Ubuntu 11.10, Eclipse Indigo, and and openJDK-7.
Everywhere online it seems that noone has had a problem with this package so I'm not sure what I'm not doing right.
you can use the Eclipse integrated development environment (available for free at to load the source files, then Eclipse will compile the software for you. Within Eclipse, right-click the background of the "Package Explorer" panel and choose "Import". Then select "Existing Projects into Workspace". In resulting dialog, click the radio button for "Select archive file" and browse for the prefuse distribution zip file. The prefuse" project should then appear in the area below. Now just click the "Finish" button to import the project and build it.
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您的 prefuse 存档可能不包含 Eclipse 项目文件(
)?在这种情况下,您可以在 Eclipse 中创建一个新的 Java 项目并解压 prefuse
归档到工作区中的这个新项目中。请注意保留现有的目录结构(即,存档中 src/ 目录的内容应位于 Eclipse 创建的 src/ 目录中。
您从哪里下载此 prefuse 存档?
Probably your prefuse archive does not contain Eclipse project files (
)?In that case, you can create a new Java project in Eclipse and unzip the prefuse
archive into this new project in the workspace. Take care that you keep the existing directory structure (i.e., the content of the src/ directory from the archive should be in the src/ directory created by Eclipse.
Where did you download this prefuse archive?