kdiff3 合并不起作用
使用 KDiff3 解决合并冲突时,如何保存 A 和 B 版本?
我打开 KDiff3 来解决合并冲突。我可以通过选择所需的版本来解决每个冲突。当我解决了所有冲突后,我单击合并
While using KDiff3 to resolve merge conflicts, how do I save the resolved copy of the A and B versions?
I open KDiff3 to resolve merge conflicts. I am able to resolve each conflict by selecting the desired version. When I have resolved all of the conflicts, I click the merge
button. Then I try to save, but a prompt appears saying that there merge conflicts are still present.
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单击 KDiff3 中的
Clicking the
button in KDiff3 restarts the merge process.To continue the merge, you must save the file after resolving the merge conflicts.
您在窗口顶部看到的三个部分是 A 部分、B 部分和 C 部分。
右键单击该行,然后从 B 和 C 中选择要合并的部分,保存并退出.
The three sections you see at the top of the window are section A, section B and section C.
Search for the section at the bottom left which shows the text "merge conflicts"
Right click on that line and select the parts from B and C that you want to merge, save and exit.