如何从输入中获取值并将其用作 jQuery 变量?
我不太熟悉 JavaScript/jQuery,但我设法编写了一个民意调查脚本,允许用户对民意调查进行投票并显示结果,而无需刷新页面。这是我想出的 jQuery 代码:
{answer: "yes", pid: "<? display($_GET['username'], poll_id); ?>", to: "<?= $_GET['username'] ?>"},
{answer: "no", pid: "<? display($_GET['username'], poll_id); ?>", to: "<?= $_GET['username'] ?>"},
这将获取页面上输入元素的 id,然后根据该 id 将查询发送到 query.php。然后,query.php 将发送回响应,然后该响应将显示在页面上。
这个脚本运行良好,但我遇到了另一个挑战。我需要在一页上显示多个民意调查。我正在使用 php 从 SQL 数据库生成民意调查,并且想知道是否可以提取“answer: no”、“answer:yes”、“pid: $id”、“to: $username”的值等..来自一个领域。如果可能的话,整个页面是否需要多个表格(针对每个民意调查)?或者一种形式足以满足多个输入?
I'm not very well versed in JavaScript/jQuery, but I have managed to write a poll script that allows a user to vote on a poll and display results without refreshing the page. This is the jQuery code I've came up with:
{answer: "yes", pid: "<? display($_GET['username'], poll_id); ?>", to: "<?= $_GET['username'] ?>"},
{answer: "no", pid: "<? display($_GET['username'], poll_id); ?>", to: "<?= $_GET['username'] ?>"},
This would get the id of the input element on the page and based on the id it would then send a query to query.php. query.php would then send a response back and that response would then be displayed on the page.
This script is working fine but I have run into another challenge. I need multiple polls displayed on one page. I'm using php to generate the polls from a SQL database and was wondering if it was possible to pull the values for "answer: no", "answer:yes", "pid: $id", "to: $username", etc.. from an field. If this is possible, would multiple forms be needed through out the page (for each poll)? or would one form suffice with multiple inputs?
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您可以为每个民意调查提供一个表单,并将 pid 作为 type="hidden" 的输入包含在内。然后,您可以在所有表单提交事件上附加回调,而不是使用“是”或“否”按钮(通过 ID)的单击。这还可以让您将两个函数折叠成一个回调。
这可以在 http://jsfiddle.net/te9YL/ 进行测试
You could have a form for each poll, and include the pid as an input with type="hidden". Then instead of using the click even on a yes or no button (by ID) you would attach a callback on all forms submit event. This would also let you collapse your two functions into a single callback.
This can be tested at http://jsfiddle.net/te9YL/
是的,您可以使用 jquery 的 .val() 函数轻松获取表单字段的值
yes you can get the value form the form fileds easily by using .val() function of jquery