ce 5.0 上找不到 pinvoke dll dbnetlib.dll 错误
我正在部署一个用于 ce 5.0 的应用程序,该应用程序连接到服务器中的 sql server 2008: 我已经在ce中安装了sql.wce5.armv4i.CAB和sql.dev.ENU.wce5.armv4i.CAB,但是当我尝试连接到数据库时出现错误:
can't find pinvoke dll dbnetlib.dll
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该 DLL 似乎是“Super Socket Net Lib ”,并且可能是完整框架解决方案的一部分,尽管我不确定是什么分配了它。这个问题的上下文来自何处并不重要,因为您看到错误的事实告诉我,您可能在 Compact Framework 解决方案中使用了一些桌面组件或引用,而这将不起作用。您只能使用 CF 程序集,因此必须从项目中删除尝试使用 dbnetlib.dll 的任何内容。
That DLL appears to be the "Super Socket Net Lib" and is probably part of a full-framework solution, though I'm not sure what distributes it. It doesn't matter for the context of this question where it comes from because the fact you see the error tells me that you're probably using some desktop component or reference in your Compact Framework solution, which will not work. You can only use CF assemblies, so whatever is trying to use dbnetlib.dll must be removed from the project.