我们有一个网站,有时会因为垃圾邮件机器人而卡住,我们试图阻止他们的IP,但这不是一个好主意,因为他们可能有一个动态IP,有人有一个好的方法来阻止他们,我们尝试使用动态IP IIS 中发现了限制,但没有太大帮助。
we have a website that sometimes gets stuck because of spambots, we tried to block the ips of them but it's not a good idea because they could have a dynamic ip, do someone have a good way to stop them, we tried to use Dynamic IP Restricion that found in IIS but did not help too much.
What you do to prevent spambots?!
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两种常见的解决方案是使用蜜罐检测: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Honeypot_%28computing%29
Two common solutions is to use Honeypot detection: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honeypot_%28computing%29
and Captcha: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captcha
您是否使用常见的白标论坛,例如 PhpBB 或 Invision?如果是这样,我建议重命名常见页面,因为大多数机器人只是检查您是否有“createThread.php”或“respond.php”之类的页面。大多数人并不聪明,而且大多数人都懒得为您的网站编写特定的垃圾邮件脚本 - 他们只是喷洒和祈祷。
Are you using a common white-label forum like PhpBB or Invision? If so, I suggest renaming the common pages as most bots just check to see if you have a page like "createThread.php" or "respond.php". Most aren't smart, and most won't bother to write a specific spam script for your site - they just spray and pray.