HaxeNME 与 smartfox 服务器集成
我正在开发一款需要使用 Smartfox 服务器的多人游戏,当然我想开始在 HaxeNME 中创建客户端,以便同时能够导出到 iphone / android / web。据我所知,smartfox 仅支持 Flash(以及其他但不支持 Haxe)客户端库。那么,已经从事此工作的任何人都可以为我指出正确的图书馆或方向吗?我真的不想重写 Haxe 的客户端库,因为这很耗时?
或者我应该使用其他技术来开发这个游戏?如果没有其他方法让 haxeNME 与 smartfox 一起工作,我倾向于退回到 Unity...大家有什么想法吗?
I'm working on a multiplayer game that required the use of Smartfox server, surely I want to start creating the client side in HaxeNME to enable exportation to iphone / android / web at the same time. From my awareness, smartfox only support Flash (and others but not Haxe) client library. So, anyone already working on this can point me to the correct library or direction ? I really don't want to rewrite the client library for Haxe as it's time consuming ?
Or should I use other technology to develop this game ? I tended to fall back to Unity if there are no other way to get haxeNME works with smartfox ... Any idea, everyone ?
thanks for your answers !
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我已将 AS3 smartfox 移植到 haxe/cpp。
除了 BlueBox 模块之外,一切都工作得很好,因为 nme.net.URLRequest 还不支持 POST 方法:/
但将来我将在 flash 目标、Java 和用于 android 和 iOS 的 ObjectiveC 上使用 SWC,并支持 nme.JNI 和 nmex...
I've ported AS3 smartfox to haxe/cpp.
All works quite fine except the BlueBox module because of nme.net.URLRequest that doesn't support POST method yet :/
But in the futur I'll use the SWC on flash target, Java and objectiveC for android and iOS with nme.JNI and nmex support...
如果你的目标是CPP/NME,恐怕你唯一的选择就是将SmartFox AS3客户端代码移植到Haxe。
有一些工具可以帮助完成任务。寻找 as3hx。
If your target is CPP/NME, I'm afraid your only option is to port the SmartFox AS3 client code to Haxe.
There are some tools that can be helpful for the task. Look for as3hx.
如果您的意思是使用来自 smartfox 的 SWC 文件,haXe 目前不支持 SWC 链接,但是您可以使用它们。您首先必须解压缩 SWC 以提取 library.swf 并将其与 --swf-lib library.swf 添加到编译器参数中。
有关 http://haxe.org/manual/swc 的更多信息
If you mean using SWC files from smartfox, haXe does not currently support SWC linking, however you can use them. You'll first have to unzip the SWC to extract the library.swf and add it with --swf-lib library.swf to your compiler parameters.
More information on http://haxe.org/manual/swc