编码 BigInt 除法
问题:BigInt 除法有一个好的、高效的算法吗?
我尝试编写 BigInt 除法有一段时间了。我最新的算法使用二进制除法,但我不认为这是最好的方法。
所以我正在寻找一些关于可能存在哪些算法的想法; )。
为了提高速度,我使用的字大小为 32768,恰好是 2^15。正因为如此,我可以快速有效地转换为基数 2 并返回,这就是我决定尝试二进制除法算法方法的原因。
我的第一种方法在某些情况下会导致剩余部分溢出,但速度非常快。我的下一个方法是多项式长除法的想法。我也尝试了商的想法,尽管它在非常大的数字上会失败,因为涉及太多的减法。总的来说,我认为蹩脚的二元除法算法可能是最好的选择; |。
最终答案存储在binaryDividendBuffer中,其大小为binaryDividendBufferSize(商),余数的大小为remainingSize(余数)。这个东西的 bug 为零,但我有一种感觉,它真的很糟糕:o。
private static integer array binaryDividendBuffer //division binary buffer #1 (to be divided)
private static integer binaryDividendBufferSize //division binary count #1
private static integer array binaryBufferDivisor //division binary buffer #2 (to divide)
private static integer binaryBufferDivisorSize //division binary count #2
local integer currentDividendDigit = binaryDividendBufferSize //to be divided int digit count
local integer tempDigit2 //temp digit 2
local integer tempDigit3 //temp digit 3
local integer array remainder //remainder
local integer remainderSize = 0 //remainder count
local boolean remainderLessThanDividend //is the remainder < divisor?
local integer binaryBufferDividendDigitOffset //subtract -1 or 0 (shift the divisor by 1 bit for extra digit)
local boolean gatheredDigits //were bits gatheredDigits?
//gather bits equal to the length of the divisor only if the current remainder isn't equal to length of divisor and there are bits remaining
set gatheredDigits = false
set gatheredDigits = remainderSize != binaryBufferDivisorSize and 0 != currentDividendDigit
if (gatheredDigits) then
exitwhen remainderSize == binaryBufferDivisorSize or 0 == currentDividendDigit
set currentDividendDigit = currentDividendDigit - 1
set remainder[remainderSize] = binaryDividendBuffer[currentDividendDigit]
set remainderSize = remainderSize + 1
set binaryDividendBuffer[currentDividendDigit] = 0
//if the remainder is smaller than the divisor and there are no bits left to gather, exit
if (remainderSize < binaryBufferDivisorSize and 0 == currentDividendDigit) then
set binaryDividendBuffer[currentDividendDigit] = 0
exitwhen true
//compare the remainder and the divisor to see which one is greater
set tempDigit2 = 0
set remainderLessThanDividend = false
set remainderLessThanDividend = remainder[tempDigit2] < binaryBufferDivisor[tempDigit2]
set tempDigit2 = tempDigit2 + 1
exitwhen tempDigit2 == binaryBufferDivisorSize or remainderLessThanDividend or remainder[tempDigit2] > binaryBufferDivisor[tempDigit2]
//if remainderLessThanDividend and there are bits remaining, add an additional bit
//set the dividend's current bit to 0 IF bits were gatheredDigits (division taking place)
//if bits weren't gatheredDigits, then setting it to 0 will set an already divided bit
if (remainderLessThanDividend) then
exitwhen 0 == currentDividendDigit
if (gatheredDigits) then
set binaryDividendBuffer[currentDividendDigit] = 0
set currentDividendDigit = currentDividendDigit - 1
set remainder[remainderSize] = binaryDividendBuffer[currentDividendDigit]
set remainderSize = remainderSize + 1
set binaryBufferDividendDigitOffset = -1 //shift divisor's bits by 1 to account for extra digit in remainder
set binaryBufferDividendDigitOffset = 0 //don't shift as there is no extra digit in remainder
set binaryDividendBuffer[currentDividendDigit] = 1
set tempDigit2 = remainderSize
set tempDigit2 = tempDigit2 - 1
//if only subtract if the divisor actually has a bit to do subtracting (remainder might have 1 more bit than divisor)
if (tempDigit2 + binaryBufferDividendDigitOffset > -1) then
//if the remainder's current bit is remainderLessThanDividend than the divisor's bit, borrow
if (remainder[tempDigit2] < binaryBufferDivisor[tempDigit2 + binaryBufferDividendDigitOffset]) then
set remainder[tempDigit2 - 1] = remainder[tempDigit2 - 1] - 1
set remainder[tempDigit2] = remainder[tempDigit2] + 2
//subtract them
set remainder[tempDigit2] = remainder[tempDigit2] - binaryBufferDivisor[tempDigit2 + binaryBufferDividendDigitOffset]
exitwhen 0 == tempDigit2
//cut out all of the 0s in front of the remainder and shift it over
//000033 -> 33
//this first loop goes through all of the 0s
exitwhen 0 != remainder[tempDigit2] or tempDigit2 == remainderSize
set tempDigit2 = tempDigit2 + 1
//this loop removes the 0s by shifting over
if (0 < tempDigit2) then
if (tempDigit2 == remainderSize) then
set remainderSize = 0
set remainder[0] = 0
set tempDigit3 = 0
set remainderSize = remainderSize-tempDigit2
set remainder[tempDigit3] = remainder[tempDigit3+tempDigit2]
set remainder[tempDigit3+tempDigit2] = 0
set tempDigit3 = tempDigit3 + 1
exitwhen tempDigit3 == remainderSize
exitwhen 0 == currentDividendDigit
//cut out all of the 0s in front of dividend
exitwhen 0 != binaryDividendBuffer[binaryDividendBufferSize]
set binaryDividendBufferSize = binaryDividendBufferSize - 1
Question: A good and efficient algorithm for BigInt division?
Attempted: Polynomial long division, division with ints (overflow remainder), binary long division (any good? Not sure, that's what I have in the post below), quotient guessing division (too many subtractions with large quotients).
I have been trying to code BigInt division for a while. My latest algorithm uses binary division, but I don't think that this is the best method.
So I am looking for some ideas as to what algorithms may be out there ; ).
The language I'm working in doesn't support passing items such as arrays around or various data types. I'm stuck with integers and booleans and global arrays as well as local arrays declared at the top of the function.
I'm working with a word size of 32768 for increased speed, which happens to be 2^15. Because of this, I can quickly and efficiently convert to base 2 and back, which is why I decided to try a binary division algorithm approach.
My first approach caused the remainder to overflow in some situations, but it was extremely fast. My next approach was an idea of polynomial long division. I also tried the quotient idea, although it would fail on extremely big numbers as there would be way too many subtractions involved. Overall, I think that the crappy binary division algorithm may be the best bet ; |.
Numbers get smaller towards the end of the divisor and remainder arrays. They are smaller towards the beginning of the dividend array.
The final answer is stored in binaryDividendBuffer with size binaryDividendBufferSize (quotient) and remainder with size remainderSize (remainder). This thing works with 0 bugs, but I have a feeling that it is just really bad :o.
private static integer array binaryDividendBuffer //division binary buffer #1 (to be divided)
private static integer binaryDividendBufferSize //division binary count #1
private static integer array binaryBufferDivisor //division binary buffer #2 (to divide)
private static integer binaryBufferDivisorSize //division binary count #2
local integer currentDividendDigit = binaryDividendBufferSize //to be divided int digit count
local integer tempDigit2 //temp digit 2
local integer tempDigit3 //temp digit 3
local integer array remainder //remainder
local integer remainderSize = 0 //remainder count
local boolean remainderLessThanDividend //is the remainder < divisor?
local integer binaryBufferDividendDigitOffset //subtract -1 or 0 (shift the divisor by 1 bit for extra digit)
local boolean gatheredDigits //were bits gatheredDigits?
//gather bits equal to the length of the divisor only if the current remainder isn't equal to length of divisor and there are bits remaining
set gatheredDigits = false
set gatheredDigits = remainderSize != binaryBufferDivisorSize and 0 != currentDividendDigit
if (gatheredDigits) then
exitwhen remainderSize == binaryBufferDivisorSize or 0 == currentDividendDigit
set currentDividendDigit = currentDividendDigit - 1
set remainder[remainderSize] = binaryDividendBuffer[currentDividendDigit]
set remainderSize = remainderSize + 1
set binaryDividendBuffer[currentDividendDigit] = 0
//if the remainder is smaller than the divisor and there are no bits left to gather, exit
if (remainderSize < binaryBufferDivisorSize and 0 == currentDividendDigit) then
set binaryDividendBuffer[currentDividendDigit] = 0
exitwhen true
//compare the remainder and the divisor to see which one is greater
set tempDigit2 = 0
set remainderLessThanDividend = false
set remainderLessThanDividend = remainder[tempDigit2] < binaryBufferDivisor[tempDigit2]
set tempDigit2 = tempDigit2 + 1
exitwhen tempDigit2 == binaryBufferDivisorSize or remainderLessThanDividend or remainder[tempDigit2] > binaryBufferDivisor[tempDigit2]
//if remainderLessThanDividend and there are bits remaining, add an additional bit
//set the dividend's current bit to 0 IF bits were gatheredDigits (division taking place)
//if bits weren't gatheredDigits, then setting it to 0 will set an already divided bit
if (remainderLessThanDividend) then
exitwhen 0 == currentDividendDigit
if (gatheredDigits) then
set binaryDividendBuffer[currentDividendDigit] = 0
set currentDividendDigit = currentDividendDigit - 1
set remainder[remainderSize] = binaryDividendBuffer[currentDividendDigit]
set remainderSize = remainderSize + 1
set binaryBufferDividendDigitOffset = -1 //shift divisor's bits by 1 to account for extra digit in remainder
set binaryBufferDividendDigitOffset = 0 //don't shift as there is no extra digit in remainder
set binaryDividendBuffer[currentDividendDigit] = 1
set tempDigit2 = remainderSize
set tempDigit2 = tempDigit2 - 1
//if only subtract if the divisor actually has a bit to do subtracting (remainder might have 1 more bit than divisor)
if (tempDigit2 + binaryBufferDividendDigitOffset > -1) then
//if the remainder's current bit is remainderLessThanDividend than the divisor's bit, borrow
if (remainder[tempDigit2] < binaryBufferDivisor[tempDigit2 + binaryBufferDividendDigitOffset]) then
set remainder[tempDigit2 - 1] = remainder[tempDigit2 - 1] - 1
set remainder[tempDigit2] = remainder[tempDigit2] + 2
//subtract them
set remainder[tempDigit2] = remainder[tempDigit2] - binaryBufferDivisor[tempDigit2 + binaryBufferDividendDigitOffset]
exitwhen 0 == tempDigit2
//cut out all of the 0s in front of the remainder and shift it over
//000033 -> 33
//this first loop goes through all of the 0s
exitwhen 0 != remainder[tempDigit2] or tempDigit2 == remainderSize
set tempDigit2 = tempDigit2 + 1
//this loop removes the 0s by shifting over
if (0 < tempDigit2) then
if (tempDigit2 == remainderSize) then
set remainderSize = 0
set remainder[0] = 0
set tempDigit3 = 0
set remainderSize = remainderSize-tempDigit2
set remainder[tempDigit3] = remainder[tempDigit3+tempDigit2]
set remainder[tempDigit3+tempDigit2] = 0
set tempDigit3 = tempDigit3 + 1
exitwhen tempDigit3 == remainderSize
exitwhen 0 == currentDividendDigit
//cut out all of the 0s in front of dividend
exitwhen 0 != binaryDividendBuffer[binaryDividendBufferSize]
set binaryDividendBufferSize = binaryDividendBufferSize - 1
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