Satchmo 的联系表 不要发送电子邮件
我是第一次使用 satchmo shop 的新手。这也是我关于堆栈的第一个问题。到目前为止,除了我热切希望为我工作的两件事之外,我已经能够相当好地管理定制。
- 当尝试通过联系表单发送电子邮件时,电子邮件未发送?
- 任何人都可以给我一个工作设置的指针/指南,以便为我的新商店测试和运行 django 注册吗?
I am a newbie using satchmo shop for the first time. This is my first ever question with stack too. So far I have been able to manage the customization to a reasonably well except the 2 things that I am eagerly looking to work for me.
- When try to send an email through Contact form, emails are not sent??
- Can anyone give me pointer/guide for a working setting in order to test and run django-registration for my new shop??
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if there is problem in email settings then try this one,
this works for me!
您必须将 LIVESETTINGS_OPTIONS 设置为。这可以通过管理中的 Livesettings-app 来完成,而不是在 Pruduction 上。之后,您应该确保将“DB”选项关闭,并将“DB”选项设置为 False,并在 上“硬编码”您的实时设置(请参阅 live_settings 文档)。例如:
...如果您愿意并且您已经知道要设置哪些设置,您也可以直接在 上进行设置。这当然是快一点点。但不要尝试对它们进行硬编码,如果“DB”为 True,也请在管理员上更改它们,因为管理员可能会覆盖您的硬编码,从而导致模糊、错误的情况:-)
Well, I guess this steps would help:
you must set the LIVESETTINGS_OPTIONS to. This can be done from the Livesettings-app in the Admin while not on Pruduction. Afterwards you should make sure you turn them off with the 'DB'-option turned to False and "hardcoding" your live-settings on (see live_settings docs). For example:
... if you wish and you already know which settings you want to set, you can can set them directly on too. That's of course a little bit faster. But don't try to hard-code them and if 'DB' is True, change them too on the admin, as probalby the admin-ones would override your hardcoded ones, leading to obscure, buggy situations :-)
The live-settings relevant for the registration: