是否可以在 Qt/Qwt 中绘制小提琴图?
我正在尝试使用 Qt 实现小提琴图。我在互联网上查找了有关此事的资源,但到目前为止我只找到了使用 R 和 Python 实现的示例。 Qt(或者 Qwt)是否拥有实现这些功能的相关工具,或者我应该切换我的平台?谢谢。
I am trying to implement violin plots using Qt. I have checked the internet for resources about the matter but so far I have only found examples that have been implemented using R and Python. Does Qt -or maybe Qwt for that matter- possess the relevant tools to implement these, or should I switch my platform? Thanks.
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Qt 有一套各种绘图工具,因为小提琴图与任何其他图表没有什么不同,您应该能够轻松地使用 QPainter 自己绘制它们。
Qt has a suite of various drawing tools, as violin plots are no different to any other diagram, you should easily be able to draw them yourself using
.Just to be clear, I'm talking about drawing violin plots, you will of course have to implement the math and data structures for them yourself.