如何“取消恢复”恢复的 Git 提交?
假设已使用 commit
提交更改,然后使用 revert
Given a change that has been committed using commit
, and then reverted using revert
, what is the best way to then undo that revert?
Ideally, this should be done with a new commit, so as to not re-write history.
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git revert
git Push
而不覆盖历史记录,因为它会在还原后创建一个新的提交。输入提交 sha 时,通常只需要前 5 或 6 个字符:
gitcherry-pick 6bfabc
git cherry-pick <original commit sha>
Will make a copy of the original commit, essentially re-applying the commit
Reverting the revert will do the same thing, with a messier commit message:
git revert <commit sha of the revert>
Either of these ways will allow you to
git push
without overwriting history, because it creates a new commit after the revert.When typing the commit sha, you typically only need the first 5 or 6 characters:
git cherry-pick 6bfabc
git reset --hard HEAD^
另一种方法是 git checkout HEAD^^ -- . 然后 git add -A && git 提交。
If you haven't pushed that change yet,
git reset --hard HEAD^
Otherwise, reverting the revert is perfectly fine.
Another way is to
git checkout HEAD^^ -- .
and thengit add -A && git commit
.恢复提交就像 git 中的任何其他提交一样。这意味着,您可以恢复它,如下所示:
这显然只有在推送更改后才有意义,尤其是当您无法强制推送到目标分支时(这对您的 master 来说是一个好主意)分支)。如果更改尚未推送,只需按照其他帖子进行挑选、恢复或简单地删除恢复提交。
A revert commit is just like any other commit in git. Meaning, you can revert it, as in:
That obviously only makes sense once the changes were pushed, and especially when you can't force push onto the destination branch (which is a good idea for your master branch). If the change has not been pushed, just do cherry-pick, revert or simply remove the revert commit as per other posts.
In our team, we have a rule to use a revert on Revert commits that were committed in the main branch, primarily to keep the history clean, so that you can see which commit reverts what:
This way, you can trace the history and figure out the whole story, and even those without the knowledge of the legacy could work it out for themselves. Whereas, if you cherry-pick or rebase stuff, this valuable information is lost (unless you include it in the comment).
Obviously, if a commit reverted and re-reverted more than once that becomes quite messy.
Reverting the revert will do the trick
For example,
is your commit andghijkl
is the commit you have when you reverted the commitabcdef
, then run:This will revert the revert
您可以通过运行以下命令获取您的提交 ID:
If you did a revert by mistake:
you will simply need to run:
You can get your commits ID by running:
执行git checkout -b my_new_branchname
git reset --soft $COMMIT_HASH
(参见git log
git commit -m "Add back reverted Changes"
git push origin new_branchname
Here's how I did it:
If the branch
was included in a merge that got reverted. And I wanted to unrevertmy_branchname
:I first do a
git checkout -b my_new_branchname
.Then I do a
git reset --soft $COMMIT_HASH
is the commit hash of the commit right before the first commit ofmy_branchname
(seegit log
)Then I make a new commit
git commit -m "Add back reverted changes"
Then I push up the new branch
git push origin new_branchname
Then I made a pull request for the new branch.
如果您不喜欢“恢复恢复”的想法(特别是当这意味着丢失许多提交的历史信息时),您可以随时前往有关 "恢复错误的合并"。
(W 是合并 M 的初始恢复;D 和 E 是对最初损坏的功能分支/提交的修复)
您现在可以简单地重播提交 A 到 E,以便它们都不“属于”恢复合并:
:If you don't like the idea of "reverting a revert" (especially when that means losing history information for many commits), you can always head to the git documentation about "Reverting a faulty merge".
Given the following starting situation
(W is your initial revert of the merge M; D and E are fixes to your initially broken feature branch/commit)
You can now simply replay commits A to E, so that none of them "belongs" to the reverted merge:
The new copy of your branch can now be merged to
git checkout -b
以及git rebase
提交。像以前一样发送拉取请求。Or you could
git checkout -b <new-branch>
andgit cherry-pick <commit>
the before to the andgit rebase
to droprevert
commit. send pull request like before.要取回提交后恢复的未暂存和已暂存的更改:
To get back the unstaged and staged changes which were reverted after a commit:
To recover all unstaged deletions:
After the initial panic of accidentally deleting all my files, I used the following to get my data back
我遇到了一个问题,有人将我的分支恢复为 master,但我需要能够再次合并它,但问题是恢复包括我的所有提交。
让我们看一下我们从 M1 创建功能分支的情况,我们在 M3 中合并我们的功能分支并在 RM3 中恢复它
如何使 F2 能够合并到 M5?
I had an issue somebody made a revert to master to my branch, but I was needed to be able to merge it again but the problem is that the revert included all my commit.
Lets look at that case we created our feature branch from M1 we merge our feature branch in M3 and revert on it in RM3
How to make the F2 able to merge to M5?
我看到响应中包含命令 git reset --hard HEAD ,没有任何警告。由于选项
,除非您确定还想重置从当前提交到您选择的哈希的所有本地工作。如果您错误地执行了此操作,请运行 git reflog 来检索您的 ~hash,然后运行 git reset --hard ~hash 来恢复您的文件。
I saw responses include the command
git reset --hard HEAD
without any caution. You should be careful with that command because of the option--hard
. It resets your index and your remote repo but mostly, it also resets your local repo and all commits that were not pushed to the remote yet will be lost, both from your local repo and index. Never use that flag--hard
unless you are sure you also want to reset all your local work from the current commit till the hash you chose.If anyway you did it by mistake, run
git reflog
to retrieve your ~hash thengit reset --hard ~hash
to recover your files.就我而言,我需要在恢复后提交更改,然后才能无故障地挑选原始提交。
In my case I needed to commit the changes after revert before I could cherry-pick the original commit without a failure.
您可以通过命令行或 SourceTree 等 ui 工具执行此操作。
如何为特定的项目生成 Git 补丁提交?
Another way: Create a patch from the commit that was reverted and then apply the patch.
You can do this from the command line, or ui tools like SourceTree.
How can I generate a Git patch for a specific commit?