签入或不签入在clearcase UCM 中哪个会是首选?

发布于 2024-12-25 05:33:31 字数 358 浏览 6 评论 0原文

在我们的构建系统中,一旦构建结束,程序集也将被签入。但当我们搬到 UCM 时,建筑师们的意见出现了分歧。很少有人支持签入已编译的程序集和 msi,也很少有人反对。

当我们签入时,我们只需进行符号链接,这给了我们很大的优势。此外,当签入完成后,它将从 bin 和release文件夹中删除条目而不是复制。这对我们帮助很大。每天,人们都可以通过夜间构建来处理最新的程序集签入。现在他们无法做到这一点。他们希望我将 Nightly build dll 复制到某个公共位置。



您能分享一下您对哪种方法更好的看法吗?在 UCM/Clearcase 中签入程序集是否更好?

In our build system ,once build is over ,assemblies also will be check-in . But When we were moving to UCM , architects divided in this opininon. Few people supported check-in the compiled assemblies and msi and few were opposing it.

when we were check-in ,we simply do symlinks and it gave us great advantage. Moreover when check-in was done ,it will be removing entries from bin and release folder instead of copy. It helped us lot. Every day people were able to work with latest assemblies check-in by nightly build. Now they are not able to do that. They want me to copy the Nightly build dll to some common place.

On other hands due to every day check-in our repository grows humungous.

I don't know what was the best option.

Can you share your thoughts about which method is better? Is it better to check-in assemblies in UCM/Clearcase or not?

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禾厶谷欠 2025-01-01 05:33:31


  1. 当您向存储库添加二进制文件时,存储库的大小会变得更大。
  2. 在夜间构建中生成的旧版本的程序集(属于 2 年前)是无用的。另一方面,旧版本的源代码及其历史记录始终有用。
  3. 除了构建结果之外,软件产品通常还依赖于第三方组件。这些第三方组件通常会不断发展,并且通常会发布更新的版本。将构建结果保留在源代码管理中,您必须将第三方组件的正确版本保留在其他地方。

AS a practice, all build outputs should not be kept under source control. But, you have to keep them on a common place until they expire. The philosophy behind this practice is:

  1. The repository size gets larger as you add binaries to it.
  2. The old versions of an assembly produced in a nightly build (belongs to 2 years ago) are useless. On the other hand, the old version of source codes and its history are useful all the time.
  3. In addition to the build results, software products are usually dependent to third party components. These third party components are usually evolved and their newer versions are usually released. Keeping build results in the source control, you have to keep the right version of third party components somewhere else.
冷心人i 2025-01-01 05:33:31

反对在 ClearCase 中检入程序集的另一个原因是缺乏可能的清理功能:您无法轻松地 rmver 某些您可能不需要的版本,而不可能损害 Vob 存储库。

在 UCM 中尤其如此,其中元数据和超链接被添加到版本中,使得删除一个元数据和超链接对于依赖它的其他对象(如 UCM 基线)的完整性非常危险。

对于对二进制文件进行版本控制的其他更一般的原因,请参阅“将框架运行时存储在源代码控制下是个好习惯吗?" 和 hsalimi答案

Another reason against checkin assemblies in ClearCase is the lack of clean-up feature possible: you cannot easily rmver some versions you might not need without potentially compromising the Vob repo.

This is especially true in UCM where metadata and hyperlinks are added to versions, making the removal of one quite dangerous for the integrity of other objects (like an UCM baseline) depending on it.

For the other, more general, reasons for not versioning binaries, see "Is it good practice to store framework runtimes under source control?" and hsalimi's answer.

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