
发布于 2024-12-25 04:32:44 字数 148 浏览 6 评论 0原文

假设我当前正在运行一个 屏幕 会话,我正在通过 putty 与之交互。我意识到回滚缓冲区太小,并且希望在不启动新屏幕会话的情况下增加它。


Lets say I have a currently running screen session I am interacting with through putty. I've realized that the scrollback buffer is too small and would like to increase it without starting a new screen session.

Is there a way to do this?

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梦醒灬来后我 2025-01-01 04:32:44

例如,按 Ctrl+A,然后按 :,然后键入

scrollback 10000

以获取 10000 行缓冲区。


defscrollback 10000

您还可以通过添加到 ~/.screenrc 文件

。要滚动(如果您的终端默认不允许),请按 Ctrl+A,然后按 Esc,然后滚动(使用通常的方法) Ctrl+F 进入下一页或 Ctrl+A 进入上一页,或者仅使用你的鼠标滚轮/两根手指)。要退出滚动模式,只需按 Esc

另一个提示:Ctrl+A 然后 i(小写)显示您当前的缓冲区设置。

Press Ctrl+A then : and then type

scrollback 10000

to get a 10000 line buffer, for example.

You can also set the default number of scrollback lines by adding

defscrollback 10000

to your ~/.screenrc file.

To scroll (if your terminal doesn't allow you to by default), press Ctrl+A then Esc and then scroll (with the usual Ctrl+F for next page or Ctrl+A for previous page, or just with your mouse wheel / two-fingers). To exit the scrolling mode, just press Esc.

Another tip: Ctrl+A then i (lowercase) shows your current buffer setting.

祁梦 2025-01-01 04:32:44

手册页说明您可以通过键入 < 在运行会话中进入命令行模式kbd>Ctrl+A:,然后发出 scrollback 命令。

The man page explains that you can enter command line mode in a running session by typing Ctrl+A, :, then issuing the scrollback <num> command.

生生漫 2025-01-01 04:32:44




CTRL + A 后跟 : 然后我们输入 scrollback 1000000 并按 ENTER




是通过将 defscrollback 1000000 添加到 .screenrc (在 home 中)

defscrollback 而不是 scrollback< 来完成的/code> (def 代表默认值)


> cd ~ && vim .screenrc

然后向其中添加 defscrollback 1000000


> echo "defscrollback 1000000" >> ~/.screenrc



当您将默认值添加到.screenrc时,重新附加时已运行的屏幕将不会生效! .screenrc 在屏幕创建时运行,这是有道理的!就像正常的控制台和 shell 启动一样。



要检查,请输入 CTRL + A,然后输入 i



(在插图中,我将其设置为 1 000 000)



CTRL+ A,然后滚动 ESC(进入复制模式)。

然后再次使用 UpDownPgUp PgDown

ESC 退出该操作模式。




As Already mentioned we have two ways.

 Per screen (session) interactive setting

And it's done interactively, and takes effect immediately.

CTRL + A followed by : And we type scrollback 1000000 And hit ENTER

You detach from the screen and come back, it will be always the same.

You open another new screen, and the value is reset again to default. So it's not a global setting!

 And the permanent default setting

Which is done by adding defscrollback 1000000 to .screenrc (in home)

defscrollback and not scrollback (def stand for default)

What you need to know is if the file is not created, You create it !

> cd ~ && vim .screenrc

And you add defscrollback 1000000 to it.

Or in one command

> echo "defscrollback 1000000" >> ~/.screenrc

(if not created already)

Taking effect

When you add the default to .screenrc, the already running screen at re-attach will not take effect! The .screenrc run at the screen creation, and it makes sense! Just as with a normal console and shell launch.

All the new created screens will have the set value.

Checking the screen effective buffer size

To check type CTRL + A followed by i

And The result will be as

enter image description here

Importantly the buffer size is the number after the + sign
(in the illustration i set it to 1 000 000)

Note too that when you change it interactively. The effect is immediate and take over the default value.


CTRL+ A followed by ESC (to enter the copy mode).

Then navigate with Up,Down or PgUp PgDown

And ESC again to quit that mode.

(Extra info: to copy hit ENTER to start selecting, then ENTER again to copy, simple and cool)

Now the buffer is bigger!

And that's sum it up for the important details.

羅雙樹 2025-01-01 04:32:44

当您在“putty 会话”内启动“屏幕”会话时,会有最少量的“默认”缓冲区。我在工作中经常使用屏幕,因此我可以告诉您,您不会同时使用“屏幕”缓冲区和“屏幕”缓冲区。 “屏幕”会话中的“putty”缓冲区。

通过添加 defscrollback 10000 设置默认的回滚行数
到您的 ~/.screenrc 文件是正确的解决方案。

顺便说一句,我在 ./screenrc 文件中使用“defscrollback 200000”。

There is a minimal amount of "default" buffer when you startup a 'screen' session within your 'putty session'. I use screens a lot in my work, so I can tell you that you will not have a combination of 'screen' buffer & 'putty' buffer within your 'screen' session.

Setting the default number of scrollback lines by adding defscrollback 10000
to your ~/.screenrc file is the correct solution.

By the way, I use "defscrollback 200000" in my ./screenrc file.

梅窗月明清似水 2025-01-01 04:32:44
WARNING: setting this value too high may cause your system to experience a significant hiccup. 
The higher the value you set, the more virtual memory is allocated to the screen process when initiating the screen session. 

我将 ~/.screenrc 设置为“defscrollback 123456789”,当我启动屏幕时,我的整个系统冻结了整整 10 分钟,然后才回到能够杀死屏幕进程的位置(该进程消耗了 16.6GB那时的 VIRT mem)。

WARNING: setting this value too high may cause your system to experience a significant hiccup. 
The higher the value you set, the more virtual memory is allocated to the screen process when initiating the screen session. 

I set my ~/.screenrc to "defscrollback 123456789" and when I initiated a screen, my entire system froze up for a good 10 minutes before coming back to the point that I was able to kill the screen process (which was consuming 16.6GB of VIRT mem by then).

掩饰不了的爱 2025-01-01 04:32:44

将 defscrollback 放在 ~/.screenrc 文件中打开其他窗口之前,例如

# ===============================================================
# VARIABLES - Number values
# ===============================================================
defscrollback         10000          # default: 100

# ===============================================================
# STARTUP of programs in an extra window:
# ===============================================================
screen -t da 0 
screen -t da 1 
screen -t da 2 
screen -t da 3 
screen -t da 4 
screen -t da 5 
screen -t da 6 
screen -t da 7 
screen -t da 8
screen -t da 9

,否则,历史缓冲区中将只有 1024 行。

Put the defscrollback before additional windows are opened in your ~/.screenrc file, e.g.

# ===============================================================
# VARIABLES - Number values
# ===============================================================
defscrollback         10000          # default: 100

# ===============================================================
# STARTUP of programs in an extra window:
# ===============================================================
screen -t da 0 
screen -t da 1 
screen -t da 2 
screen -t da 3 
screen -t da 4 
screen -t da 5 
screen -t da 6 
screen -t da 7 
screen -t da 8
screen -t da 9

Otherwise, you will have only 1024 lines in the history buffer.

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