如何在 Eclipse 中单步执行反编译的第 3 方代码?
我想在 Eclipse 中调试我的应用程序时逐步执行第 3 方代码。我已经尝试过 jadclipse 和 jd-eclipse 。在这两种情况下,当我单击控制台中堆栈跟踪中的类时,都会显示反编译的代码。但是,如果我尝试“步入”第 3 方代码,我总是会收到“未找到源”的信息。有什么东西可以让我在调试我的应用程序时逐步浏览反编译的源代码吗?我正在使用赫利俄斯。
I would like to step through 3rd party code while debugging my application in Eclipse. I've tried both jadclipse and jd-eclipse. In both cases, the decompiled code is shown when I, eg, click on a class in a stack trace in the console. However, if I try to "step into" the 3rd party code, I always get "source not found". Is there anything that will let me step through the decompiled source while debugging my app? I'm using Helios.
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您是否尝试过将反编译的源文件夹添加到项目设置中的jar中?在项目属性中,您可以转到“Java Build Path”,选择库选项卡,每个 jar 将是一个可扩展的树。展开树,有一个“源附件选项”,尝试在此处添加反编译的源文件夹。
Have you tried adding the decompiled source folder to the jar in the project settings? In the project properties can you go to "Java Build Path", select the libraries tab, each jar will be an expandable tree. Expand the tree, and there is a "Source Attachment Option" try adding the decompiled source folder here.