Qt Creator 中的连接数据库
如何使用 QT4 和 Qt Creator 连接到 MySQL 数据库?我不知道我应该如何进行,如果有人可以帮助我。
How do I connect to the MySQL database using QT4 and Qt Creator? I have no idea how I should proceed, if anyone can help me please..
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首先,您必须为您的操作系统编译 QtCreator 的 MYSQL 驱动程序。
对于 Windows,请检查
QT MySql使用 Windows XP、Qt Creator 4.5.2(Windows 32 位)进行连接
MacOS(可能还有 Linux)的说明可以在此处找到
http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/45296-QSqlDatabase- QMYSQL-driver-not-loaded
一旦你的qt安装包含mysql驱动程序,你就可以使用数据库了(QSqlDatabase)(developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qsqldatabase.html) 类。从这里复制:
代码未经过测试,但 Qt 文档应该澄清所有细节
this question is very shallow, but i will try to provide some ressources as this shows up pretty on top on many searches.
First of all, you will have to compile the MYSQL driver for the QtCreator for your operating system.
For Windows, check
QT MySql connectivity using Windows XP, Qt Creator 4.5.2(windows 32 bit)
Instructions for MacOS (and probably Linux) can be found here
Once your qt install includes the mysql driver, you can use the database with the (QSqlDatabase)(developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qsqldatabase.html) class. Copying from here:
After that, you can use QSqlQuery to work with the database handle, e.g.
and print the results like
Code is not tested, but the Qt Documentation should clarify all details