I have a problem... I have two scrollviews in a absolutelayout. in other words they are fullscreen and laying over each other
the top scrollview is a horizontal scrolling one and the bottom one is a vertical scrolling scrollview.
when I scroll horizontal I want the top one to scroll and when I scroll vertical I want the bottom one to scroll.
but my problem is that the horizontal scrollview takes all scroll events so the bottom one never receives a scroll event...
How can I resolve this?
Thanks in advance!
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我不确定你是否可以说一个滚动视图应该只处理水平方向,而另一个滚动视图应该只处理垂直方向 - 可能不是。但是您可以重写 onTouchEvent 和 onInterceptTouchEvent 来定义您需要的任何行为! (查看 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/ GestureDetector.html )
How about nesting them? You can make it look visually the same, via paddings and margins and furthermore you can control which view handles the touches.
I am not sure if you can say that one scroll view should handle only horizontal and the other to handle only vertical - probably not. But you can override onTouchEvent and onInterceptTouchEvent in both to define whatever behaviour you need! (Check out http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/GestureDetector.html )
For example, if you want the parent scroll view to handle only vertical scroll, and the child the handle horizontal, you should
Or something like that. It is not exaclty what you should do, but you get the idea.
您可能需要为此实现自定义控件。您的自定义控件需要一个 Scroller 类。您也可以下载 ScrollView类的源码并修改为双向。
并且不要将可滚动的东西放入其他可滚动的东西中 - 它们往往会争夺触摸事件。
You'll probably need to implement a custom control for this. You'll need a Scroller class for your custom control. Also you can download source code for ScrollView class and modify it to be bidirectional.
And don't put scrollable things into other scrollable things - they tend to fight over touch events.