就在这里!提供有用答案的建议方式对于常见问题,就是提出一个描述您已解决的问题的问题,然后自己回答。这为遇到类似问题的其他人提供了发表评论并提供替代解决方案的机会,同时仍然为任何正在寻找问题答案的人留下了可用的信息,以便在 SO 上找到它。
Where can I share it?
Right here! The suggested way of providing useful answers to common problems is to ask a question describing the problem you've solved, and answer it yourself. This provides an opportunity for others who have encountered a similar problem to comment and provide alternative solutions while still leaving the information available for anyone that is looking for an answer to the question to find it here on SO.
就在这里!提供有用答案的建议方式对于常见问题,就是提出一个描述您已解决的问题的问题,然后自己回答。这为遇到类似问题的其他人提供了发表评论并提供替代解决方案的机会,同时仍然为任何正在寻找问题答案的人留下了可用的信息,以便在 SO 上找到它。
Right here! The suggested way of providing useful answers to common problems is to ask a question describing the problem you've solved, and answer it yourself. This provides an opportunity for others who have encountered a similar problem to comment and provide alternative solutions while still leaving the information available for anyone that is looking for an answer to the question to find it here on SO.