这是一道面试题:设计一个数据结构来高效地执行以下操作:boolean isPrefix(String s1, String s2)
我想我们可以创建一个 multimap
strings: "aa", "ab", "abc", "ba", "ca" multimap: "a" -> ["aa", "ab", "abc"] "aa" -> ["aa"] "ab" -> ["ab", "abc"] "abc" -> ["abc"] "ba" -> ["ba"] "ca" -> ["ca"]
This is an interview question: Design a data structure to perform the following operation efficiently: boolean isPrefix(String s1, String s2)
I guess we can create a multimap
, which maps prefixes to their strings. For instance,
strings: "aa", "ab", "abc", "ba", "ca" multimap: "a" -> ["aa", "ab", "abc"] "aa" -> ["aa"] "ab" -> ["ab", "abc"] "abc" -> ["abc"] "ba" -> ["ba"] "ca" -> ["ca"]
Which data structure would you propose ?
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trie 数据结构似乎是一个显而易见的答案,但所述问题并不需要高级数据结构。简单的字符串比较就足够了,而且速度非常快。最终,如果您想验证一个字符串是否是另一个字符串的前缀,则必须比较相应位置的每个字符。没有任何数据结构可以消除逐个字符比较的需要。
话虽这么说,如果您在大量文本中搜索前缀,还有其他技术,例如Rabin-Karp 概率字符串匹配。
The trie data structure would seem like an obvious answer, but the problem as stated doesn't require an advanced data structure. A simple string comparison will suffice and would be very fast. Ultimately, if you want to validate that one string is a prefix of another, you will have to compare every character at corresponding positions. No data structure eliminates the need for the character-by-character comparison.
That being said, if you're searching for the prefix in a large body of text, there are other techniques such as Rabin-Karp probablistic string matching.
最有效的前缀信息存储可能是 trie。
The most effective storage for prefix information is probably the trie.
In this, the strings correspond to nodes in a tree where one string has another as a prefix exactly when its node is below the other in the tree.