为什么我会收到“$ 未定义”消息错误?

发布于 2024-12-24 01:37:53 字数 9122 浏览 0 评论 0原文

我得到了一个 ActionResult TabNotes,它返回一个选项卡视图,该视图在网格中显示数据库中的注释。选项卡上有一个 ActionResult CreateNote 按钮,它返回 PartialView,保存注释后我重定向回 ActionResult TabNotes,

 return RedirectToAction("TabNotes", new { modelEntity = "Phrase", id = itemId});

但是,当使用此重定向转到操作结果 TabNotes 时,它不会显示网格。 javascript 给出以下错误

Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined (anonymous function)
Uncaught ReferenceError: ko is not defined (anonymous function)

第一次转到 ActionResult 时不会发生这种情况。使用断点,ActionResult TabNotes 的以下部分:

   Model.Grid.url = Url.Action("TabNoteData", new { id = Model.meta.entity, itemId = Model.meta.id.Value});

   return View("TabNotes", Model);


编辑:Firebug 显示以下错误:

prompt aborted by user
throw Components.Exception...by user", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE);        nsPrompter.js (regel 462       <Systeem>

$ is not defined
$(document).ready(function(){$('#tblTN...tes/44?cmd=refresh" id="TNPhrase44">        44?mod...=Phrase (regel 2)

ko is not defined
var viewModel=ko.mapping.fromJ...],"buttons":[],"PostAction":null}});           44?mod...=Phrase (regel 12)

下面是 javascript 和

@model test.Web.Framework.Areas.Administration.Models.TabNotesModel 
@using (UI.DocumentReadyScript())

    if (Model.meta.id.HasValue)
        UI.jQuery("#tbl" + Model.meta.modelname).flexigrid(Model.Grid);
<form method="post" action="@Url.Action("TabNotes", new { cmd = "refresh" })" id="@Model.meta.modelname">
<div class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all highlight" data-bind="visible: meta.message">
    <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info"></span><strong data-bind="text: meta.message">
@using (UI.BeginBlock("Administation.TabNotes", UI.Label("Notes", "Notes").ToString(), test.Web.Framework.Core.enumIcons.pencil, false, false))
    <table id="@("tbl" + Model.meta.modelname)">
<script type="text/javascript">
    (function() {
        var viewModel=ko.mapping.fromJS(@Html.Raw(UI.JavascriptEncode(Model)));
        viewModel.getData=function() { return ko.mapping.toJSON( this  ); };   
         $('#tbl'+this.meta.modelname()).flexigrid( data.Grid);
        $('#@Model.meta.modelname').koform({viewmodel: viewModel , validate : {errorElement:'p' }  } );
        $('#load-partial').click(function() {
            $('#partial').load('@Url.Action("CreateNote", "Entity", new {itemId = @Model.meta.id, modelEntity = "Phrase"})');

<div id="partial"></div>
<button type="button" id="load-partial">Create Note</button>

public ActionResult CreateNote(
        NoteModel Model, string cmd, long? itemId, string modelEntity)
        if (cmd == "Save")
            Model.meta.message = "Note saved";
            test.Database.User User = UserRepository.GetUser(1);
            Entity entity = NotesRepository.GetEntity("Phrase");
            NotesRepository.StoreNote(Model.subject, Model.text, User, entity, itemId);
            return RedirectToAction("TabNotes", new { modelEntity = "Phrase", id = itemId});
        Model.meta.modelname = "CreateNote";
        Model.meta.JsViewModelType = "EditNoteModel";
        Model.meta.PostAction = Url.Action("CreateNote", new { cmd = "Save", itemId = itemId});

        return PartialView("CreateNotePartial",Model);


    public ActionResult TabNotes([ModelBinder(typeof(Models.JsonModelBinder))]
        TabNotesModel Model, string cmd, string modelEntity, long? id)
        if (modelEntity != null)
            Model.meta.entity = modelEntity;
        Entity entity = NotesRepository.GetEntity(Model.meta.entity);
        if (id.HasValue)
            Model.meta.id = id;

        if (Model.meta.id.HasValue)
            Model.meta.modelname = "TN" + Model.meta.entity + Model.meta.id.Value.ToString();

            Dictionary<string, object> defaultValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            defaultValues.Add("Entity", entity.EntityId);
            defaultValues.Add("ItemId", Model.meta.id.Value);
            Entity noteEntity = NotesRepository.GetEntity("Note");
            var grid = UI.GetEntityFlexiGrid(noteEntity, true, true, true, true, defaultValues);
            //grid.buttons.Add(new Button { onpress = "CreateNote", action = Url.Action("CreateNote"), name = "CreateNote", postdata = new { meta = Model.meta }});
            grid.title = "";
            Model.Grid = grid;

            Model.Grid.url = Url.Action("TabNoteData", new { id = Model.meta.entity, itemId = Model.meta.id.Value});

       return View("TabNotes", Model);


public GridResult TabNoteData(string id, long itemId, FlexigridRequest request, string cmd)

        GridResult returnValue = null;

        var entity = NotesRepository.GetEntity(id);
        Entity noteEntity = NotesRepository.GetEntity("Note");
        //var Acess = UIRepository.GetEntityAccess(id);

        FlexigridConfiguration grid;
        Dictionary<string, object> defaultValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        defaultValues.Add("Entity", entity.EntityId);
        grid = UI.GetEntityFlexiGrid(noteEntity, true, true, true, true, defaultValues);

        IQueryable q = NotesRepository.GetNotes(entity.EntityId, itemId);
        var sortField = entity.EntityFields.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Name == request.sortname);
        if (sortField == null)
            request.sortname = grid.sortname;
        IQueryable qdata = null;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.sortname) && request.sortname != "undefined")
            switch (request.sortorder)
                case enumFlexigridRequestSortOrder.asc:
                    qdata = q.OrderBy(request.sortname + " ascending");
                case enumFlexigridRequestSortOrder.desc:
                    qdata = q.OrderBy(request.sortname + " descending");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.query) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.qtype))
            qdata = qdata.Where(request.qtype.SanitizeFieldExpression() + ".Contains(@0)", request.query);
        if (request.q != null && request.q.Length > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < request.q.Length; i++)
                var type = UIRepository.GetType(id);
                var property = type.GetProperty(request.q[i]);

                System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter tc = System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(property.PropertyType);
                string sv = request.v[i];
                if (sv == null || sv == "null")
                    qdata = qdata.Where(request.q[i].SanitizeFieldExpression() + "=@0", (object)null);
                    object v = tc.ConvertFromString(sv);
                    qdata = qdata.Where(request.q[i].SanitizeFieldExpression() + "=@0", v);

        string settingName = "Grid." + id + ".Rp";
        var setting = UIRepository.GetQuery<test.Database.UserSetting>().SingleOrDefault(uc => uc.CreatedById == CurrentUser.UserId && uc.Name == settingName);
        if (setting == null)
            setting = UIRepository.Create<test.Database.UserSetting>();
            setting.Name = settingName;
            setting.Value = request.rp.ToString();
            if (request.rp.ToString() != setting.Value)
                setting.Value = request.rp.ToString();

        int rowId = 0;
        var datarows = new List<object>();
        foreach (var record in qdata.Skip((request.page - 1) * request.rp).Take(request.rp).GetData())
            var cellValues = new List<object>();
            foreach (var gc in grid.colModel.OrderBy(c => c.di))
                cellValues.Add(gc.ToString(UI, record));
            var row = new { id = rowId, cell = cellValues.ToArray() };
        returnValue = Grid(request.page, qdata.Count(), datarows.ToList());

        return returnValue;

I got an ActionResult TabNotes which returns a View for a tab which shows notes from a database in a grid. On the tab is a button for ActionResult CreateNote, which returns a PartialView and after saving the note I redirect back to the ActionResult TabNotes with

 return RedirectToAction("TabNotes", new { modelEntity = "Phrase", id = itemId});

However, when it goes to the action result TabNotes using this redirect it does not show the grid. The javascript gives the following error

Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined (anonymous function)
Uncaught ReferenceError: ko is not defined (anonymous function)

This does not happen the first time it goes to ActionResult. Using breakpoints the following part of the ActionResult TabNotes:

   Model.Grid.url = Url.Action("TabNoteData", new { id = Model.meta.entity, itemId = Model.meta.id.Value});

   return View("TabNotes", Model);

gives the same input values in Model for the first time and the second time. Where can this error come from?

Edit: Firebug shows the following errors:

prompt aborted by user
throw Components.Exception...by user", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE);        nsPrompter.js (regel 462       <Systeem>

$ is not defined
$(document).ready(function(){$('#tblTN...tes/44?cmd=refresh" id="TNPhrase44">        44?mod...=Phrase (regel 2)

ko is not defined
var viewModel=ko.mapping.fromJ...],"buttons":[],"PostAction":null}});           44?mod...=Phrase (regel 12)

Below is the javascript and code

@model test.Web.Framework.Areas.Administration.Models.TabNotesModel 
@using (UI.DocumentReadyScript())

    if (Model.meta.id.HasValue)
        UI.jQuery("#tbl" + Model.meta.modelname).flexigrid(Model.Grid);
<form method="post" action="@Url.Action("TabNotes", new { cmd = "refresh" })" id="@Model.meta.modelname">
<div class="ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all highlight" data-bind="visible: meta.message">
    <span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info"></span><strong data-bind="text: meta.message">
@using (UI.BeginBlock("Administation.TabNotes", UI.Label("Notes", "Notes").ToString(), test.Web.Framework.Core.enumIcons.pencil, false, false))
    <table id="@("tbl" + Model.meta.modelname)">
<script type="text/javascript">
    (function() {
        var viewModel=ko.mapping.fromJS(@Html.Raw(UI.JavascriptEncode(Model)));
        viewModel.getData=function() { return ko.mapping.toJSON( this  ); };   
         $('#tbl'+this.meta.modelname()).flexigrid( data.Grid);
        $('#@Model.meta.modelname').koform({viewmodel: viewModel , validate : {errorElement:'p' }  } );
        $('#load-partial').click(function() {
            $('#partial').load('@Url.Action("CreateNote", "Entity", new {itemId = @Model.meta.id, modelEntity = "Phrase"})');

<div id="partial"></div>
<button type="button" id="load-partial">Create Note</button>


public ActionResult CreateNote(
        NoteModel Model, string cmd, long? itemId, string modelEntity)
        if (cmd == "Save")
            Model.meta.message = "Note saved";
            test.Database.User User = UserRepository.GetUser(1);
            Entity entity = NotesRepository.GetEntity("Phrase");
            NotesRepository.StoreNote(Model.subject, Model.text, User, entity, itemId);
            return RedirectToAction("TabNotes", new { modelEntity = "Phrase", id = itemId});
        Model.meta.modelname = "CreateNote";
        Model.meta.JsViewModelType = "EditNoteModel";
        Model.meta.PostAction = Url.Action("CreateNote", new { cmd = "Save", itemId = itemId});

        return PartialView("CreateNotePartial",Model);



    public ActionResult TabNotes([ModelBinder(typeof(Models.JsonModelBinder))]
        TabNotesModel Model, string cmd, string modelEntity, long? id)
        if (modelEntity != null)
            Model.meta.entity = modelEntity;
        Entity entity = NotesRepository.GetEntity(Model.meta.entity);
        if (id.HasValue)
            Model.meta.id = id;

        if (Model.meta.id.HasValue)
            Model.meta.modelname = "TN" + Model.meta.entity + Model.meta.id.Value.ToString();

            Dictionary<string, object> defaultValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
            defaultValues.Add("Entity", entity.EntityId);
            defaultValues.Add("ItemId", Model.meta.id.Value);
            Entity noteEntity = NotesRepository.GetEntity("Note");
            var grid = UI.GetEntityFlexiGrid(noteEntity, true, true, true, true, defaultValues);
            //grid.buttons.Add(new Button { onpress = "CreateNote", action = Url.Action("CreateNote"), name = "CreateNote", postdata = new { meta = Model.meta }});
            grid.title = "";
            Model.Grid = grid;

            Model.Grid.url = Url.Action("TabNoteData", new { id = Model.meta.entity, itemId = Model.meta.id.Value});

       return View("TabNotes", Model);


public GridResult TabNoteData(string id, long itemId, FlexigridRequest request, string cmd)

        GridResult returnValue = null;

        var entity = NotesRepository.GetEntity(id);
        Entity noteEntity = NotesRepository.GetEntity("Note");
        //var Acess = UIRepository.GetEntityAccess(id);

        FlexigridConfiguration grid;
        Dictionary<string, object> defaultValues = new Dictionary<string, object>();
        defaultValues.Add("Entity", entity.EntityId);
        grid = UI.GetEntityFlexiGrid(noteEntity, true, true, true, true, defaultValues);

        IQueryable q = NotesRepository.GetNotes(entity.EntityId, itemId);
        var sortField = entity.EntityFields.SingleOrDefault(c => c.Name == request.sortname);
        if (sortField == null)
            request.sortname = grid.sortname;
        IQueryable qdata = null;
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.sortname) && request.sortname != "undefined")
            switch (request.sortorder)
                case enumFlexigridRequestSortOrder.asc:
                    qdata = q.OrderBy(request.sortname + " ascending");
                case enumFlexigridRequestSortOrder.desc:
                    qdata = q.OrderBy(request.sortname + " descending");
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.query) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.qtype))
            qdata = qdata.Where(request.qtype.SanitizeFieldExpression() + ".Contains(@0)", request.query);
        if (request.q != null && request.q.Length > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < request.q.Length; i++)
                var type = UIRepository.GetType(id);
                var property = type.GetProperty(request.q[i]);

                System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter tc = System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(property.PropertyType);
                string sv = request.v[i];
                if (sv == null || sv == "null")
                    qdata = qdata.Where(request.q[i].SanitizeFieldExpression() + "=@0", (object)null);
                    object v = tc.ConvertFromString(sv);
                    qdata = qdata.Where(request.q[i].SanitizeFieldExpression() + "=@0", v);

        string settingName = "Grid." + id + ".Rp";
        var setting = UIRepository.GetQuery<test.Database.UserSetting>().SingleOrDefault(uc => uc.CreatedById == CurrentUser.UserId && uc.Name == settingName);
        if (setting == null)
            setting = UIRepository.Create<test.Database.UserSetting>();
            setting.Name = settingName;
            setting.Value = request.rp.ToString();
            if (request.rp.ToString() != setting.Value)
                setting.Value = request.rp.ToString();

        int rowId = 0;
        var datarows = new List<object>();
        foreach (var record in qdata.Skip((request.page - 1) * request.rp).Take(request.rp).GetData())
            var cellValues = new List<object>();
            foreach (var gc in grid.colModel.OrderBy(c => c.di))
                cellValues.Add(gc.ToString(UI, record));
            var row = new { id = rowId, cell = cellValues.ToArray() };
        returnValue = Grid(request.page, qdata.Count(), datarows.ToList());

        return returnValue;

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森末i 2024-12-31 01:37:53


  • 您的 JavaScript 文件未正确加载到您的页面中
  • 您的 jQuery 版本较差。发生这种情况的原因可能是有人编辑了核心文件,或者插件可能覆盖了 $ 变量。
  • JavaScript 在页面完全加载之前运行,因此,在 jQuery 完全加载之前。

您应该检查 Firebug 网络面板以查看文件是否确实正确加载。如果没有,它将突出显示为红色,并在旁边显示“404”。如果文件加载正确,则意味着问题是第 2 号。

确保所有 javascript 代码都在代码块内运行,例如:

$(document).ready(function () {
  //your code here

这将确保您的代码 jQuery 之后加载已初始化。

最后要检查的一件事是确保在加载 jQuery 之前没有加载任何插件。插件扩展了“$”对象,因此如果您在加载 jQuery 核心之前加载插件,那么您将收到您所描述的错误。


( function($) {
   //We can now use $ as I implemented the bodyguard!
   $(document).ready(function() {
      //your code...
} ) ( jQuery );

That error can only be caused be one of three things:

  • Your JavaScript file is not being properly loaded into your page
  • You have a botched version of jQuery. This could happen because someone edited the core file, or a plugin may have overwritten the $ variable.
  • You have JavaScript running before the page is fully loaded, and as such, before jQuery is fully loaded.

You should check the Firebug net panel to see if the file is actually being loaded properly. If not, it will be highlighted red and will say "404" beside it. If the file is loading properly, that means that the issue is number 2.

Make sure all javascript code is being run inside a code block such as:

$(document).ready(function () {
  //your code here

This will ensure that your code is being loaded after jQuery has been initialized.

One final thing to check is to make sure that you are not loading any plugins before you load jQuery. Plugins extend the "$" object, so if you load a plugin before loading jQuery core, then you'll get the error you described.

So to avoid that you can use a "bodyguard" function like the following:

( function($) {
   //We can now use $ as I implemented the bodyguard!
   $(document).ready(function() {
      //your code...
} ) ( jQuery );
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