MATLAB - 捕获视频流(MJPEG、rtsp、mpeg)
有人在 MATLAB 中使用过从 IP 摄像机捕获视频流吗?例如,在 MATLAB 中从 rtsp:// 流)或 http://xxxx/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi(mjpeg 流)。 MATLAB 的图像采集工具箱当前不支持此功能。我找到了2个选择: 1)使用mmread。但是 64 位 MATLAB 不支持 http 流读取或 2)编写我自己的C++函数来抓取帧(我使用OpenCV库),然后将其编译成MATLAB MEX函数。 任何建议表示赞赏。
Has anyone worked with capturing video streams from IP cameras in MATLAB? For example to grab frames in MATLAB from rtsp:// (rtsp stream) or from http://x.x.x.x/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi (mjpeg stream). MATLAB's Image Acquisition Toolbox does not currently support this. I found 2 options:
1) using mmread. However http stream reading is not supported under 64-bit MATLAB or
2) to write my own C++ function that grabs frames (I use OpenCV library) and then compile it into MATLAB MEX function.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
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这是我从 MATLAB 支持处得到的答案:
我建议实现您自己的 Matlab mex 函数来抓取视频帧。以下是执行此操作的一些指示:
。以下是 OpenCV 库的 matlab mex 函数集合和开发套件的链接(感谢 Kota Yamaguchi):。该库可以轻松地在 OpenCV 数据类型和 mxArray 之间进行转换。这是一个例子:
无效 mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
// 检查参数
if (nlhs!=1 || nrhs!=1)
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("myfunc:invalidArgs", "参数数量错误");
// 将 MxArray 转换为 cv::Mat
cv::Mat mat = MxArray(prhs[0]).toMat();
// 做你想做的事
// 将 cv::Mat 转换回 mxArray*
plhs[0] = MxArray(mat);
可以使用线程使应用程序异步,其中生产者线程从相机抓取帧并将其放入循环缓冲区中。另一方面,消费者线程从缓冲区检索帧并将其转换为 mxArray(矩阵)输出。请参阅如何实现 cv::Mat 对象 (OpenCV) 的循环缓冲区?。循环缓冲区需要线程安全,请参阅循环缓冲区的线程安全实现。
This is the answer I got from MATLAB support:
I suggest implementing your own Matlab mex function to grab video frames. Here are some pointers to do so:
.Below is a link to collection and development kit of matlab mex functions for OpenCV library (thanks to Kota Yamaguchi): This library makes it easy to convert between OpenCV data types and mxArray. Here's an example:
The application can be made asynchronous by using threads, where producer thread grabs frames from the camera and puts it into a circular buffer. Consumer thread, on the other hand, retrieves frames from the buffer and converts them into mxArray (matrix) output. See How to implement a circular buffer of cv::Mat objects (OpenCV)?. Circular buffer will need to be made thread safe, see Thread safe implementation of circular buffer.
自 MATLAB R2015a 起,使用函数 ipcam 变得非常简单:
第一次调用该函数时,MATLAB 可能会提示您下载它。
Since MATLAB R2015a it's become very easy with the function ipcam:
The first time you call that function MATLAB may prompt you to download it.
The good news is that solution doesn't even require a license to the camera acquisition toolbox.