视网膜显示屏上的 PhoneGap NativeControls
想知道是否有人有过使用 Retina 资源和 NativeControls iPhone 标签栏插件的经验?使用该插件可以为每个选项卡栏按钮设置自定义图像,但任何超过 32x32px(来自内存)的图像都会变形。 32x32px 图标很好,但在 iPhone 4 视网膜显示屏上观看看起来很糟糕。
Wondering if anyone has had any experience using retina assets with the NativeControls iPhone plugin for tabbars? Using the plugin it's possible to set custom images for each tabbar button, but anything above 32x32px (from memory) becomes distorted. 32x32px icons are fine, but viewed on iPhone 4 retina display look pretty bad.
Somebody has a solution for this?
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这不是一个phonegap特定问题,您只需要为视网膜显示屏创建一个高分辨率图标以及正常分辨率。您可以在此处的文档中阅读相关内容 http ://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/userexperience/conceptual/mobilehig/IconsImages/IconsImages.html
Not a phonegap specific issue, you just need to create a high res icon for the retina display, as well as the normal resolution. You can read about that in the docs here http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/userexperience/conceptual/mobilehig/IconsImages/IconsImages.html