如何更改 Eclipse GUI 元素的大小(窗口/选项卡边框和按钮大小)
默认的 Eclipse GUI (Indigo) 的定义使得图形元素相当大。这意味着选项卡和窗口边框以及各种按钮占据了 Eclipse 窗口实际区域的相当大比例。
我通常在 1920x1200 显示器上工作,所以这没什么大不了的,但最近我不得不使用标准投影仪来展示一些作品。 C/C++ 视角已经够难了,但 Debug 视角却难以管理!由于屏幕上充满了 GUI 元素,几乎没有空间容纳实际内容。我必须不断更改选项卡大小,以便在我想要检查的视图中留出一些空间。
如何控制这些 GUI 元素的大小以将其减小到最小?
[问题也发布在 Eclipse 社区论坛中,但我发现 SE 效率更高]
The default Eclipse GUI (Indigo) is defined such that the graphic elements are pretty big. This means that the tabs and window borders, as well as the various buttons, take a considerable percentage of the Eclipse window real-estate area.
I normally work on an 1920x1200 monitor so it is not a big deal, but recently I had to present some work using a standard projector. C/C++ perspective was hard enough, but Debug perspective was unmanageable! There was almost no space for the actual contents as the screen was full with the GUI elements. I had to constantly change the tabs size to have some space in the view I wanted to examine.
How can I control the size of these GUI elements to reduce them to minimum?
[question also posted in the eclipse community forum but I find SE to be more efficient]
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