Magento Sage 支付模块错误:付款错误。 Sagepay 说:3055:CardType 字段是必需的
我正在使用 Magento 的 Sage Pay 模块,现在当我尝试在测试模式下下订单时,我收到此错误:“付款错误。Sagepay 说:3055:CardType 字段是必需的。”
我没有得到关于此错误原因的任何帮助。 请帮忙
I am using Sage Pay module for Magento, now when I try to put an order in TEST mode, I get this error : "Error in payment. Sagepay says: 3055 : The CardType field is required."
I am not getting any help on the reason of this error.
Help please
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如果您使用 Sage Pay DIRECT 集成,这意味着您没有在交易帖子中提供相关卡类型:
注意:MC 是 MasterCard。 UKE 是 Visa Electron。 MAESTRO 应用于英国和国际 Maestro。仅当您在这些收单机构拥有其他商户账户时,才可以接受 AMEX、DC (DINERS) 和 PAYPAL。
If you are using the Sage Pay DIRECT integration this means you are not supplying the relevant card type in your transaction post:
(The value can be one of the following VISA, MC, MCDEBIT, DELTA, MAESTRO, UKE, AMEX, DC, JCB, LASER, PAYPAL. The value should be in capital letters.)
NOTE: MC is MasterCard. UKE is Visa Electron. MAESTRO should be used for both UK and International Maestro. AMEX, DC (DINERS) and PAYPAL can only be accepted if you have additional merchant accounts with those acquirers.