该网站是 http://www.kikbo.com
以下是 pingdom 加载时间测试结果: http://tools. pingdom.com/fpt/#!/t71Fj5LGf/http://kikbo.com
最大的“罪犯”似乎是褪色的 JavaScript、预加载的图像和喜欢按钮。
http://www.webpagetest.org/result/ 120103_H6_2QFXT/1/详细信息/
- 将大部分 js 移到后面,将 css 移到前面
- 不预先加载翻转图库中的图像
- 从 google 服务器加载 prototype.js
- 使翻转图库成为 css 精灵
- 在 GoDaddy 上压缩
Gzipping 基本上是不可能的,将我的文件放在 google 的 CDN 上将是一个很好的改进。
The website is http://www.kikbo.com
Is it slow enough to be costing me conversions (Maybe people in Europe)?
Here's the pingdom load time test result: http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/#!/t71Fj5LGf/http://kikbo.com
The biggest "offenders" seem to be the fading javascript, the pre-loaded images, and the like button.
What I did to make it go faster
Thanks. Was able to shave off some seconds here and there.
In order of page load speed increases:
- Moving most of the js to the back and the css to the front
- Not pre-loading the images in the roll-over image gallery
- loading prototype.js from google's servers
- making the gallery of rollovers a css sprite
- Minifying
Gzipping is basically impossible on GoDaddy and putting my files on google's CDN would be a good improvement.
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。
对于初学者来说,这是使用webpagetest.org 的阿姆斯特丹实例生成的页面加载瀑布 http://www.webpagetest.org/result/111230_1A_2PFQ6/1/details/
您希望尽快加载 CSS,但尽可能延迟 JS。
我会尝试简化 CSS 文件,然后合并并缩小它们。
对于 JS,请弄清楚渲染页面真正需要什么,并将其他所有内容推迟到稍后,通过将其包含在正文末尾或异步加载它,请参阅 Stoyan 的文章,了解如何加载社交媒体按钮 http://www.phpied.com/social-button-bffs/
您还需要打开gzip 用于基于文本的内容,例如HTML、CSS、JS 等。怀疑您的图像也可以进一步压缩。
根据我在瀑布中看到的,你使用 JS 的方式是缓慢的一个重要原因。
Right then...
For starters here's a page load waterfall generated using the Amsterdam instance of webpagetest.org http://www.webpagetest.org/result/111230_1A_2PFQ6/1/details/
Your server looks like it's pretty slow at generating/serving out the base page and static assets but there are also other issues.
You want to load the CSS as soon as possible but delay the JS as long as possible.
I would try to simplify the CSS files then merge and minify them.
For the JS, work out what you really need to render the page and delay everything else until later either by including it at he end of the body or loading it asynchronously see Stoyan's article for how you should load the social media buttons http://www.phpied.com/social-button-bffs/
You also need to turn on gzip for the text based content e.g. HTML, CSS, JS etc. Suspect your images can be compressed further too.
Based on what I saw in the waterfall the way you're using JS is a big part of the slowness.
您的图像应该被优化和压缩。如果可能的话,CSS 和 Javascript 应该被缩小并合并到更少的文件中。
Your images should be optimized and compressed. The CSS and Javascript should be minified and combined into fewer files if possible.
简而言之,雅虎团队建议的基本步骤很少,这些步骤确实帮助我的员工解决了此类问题。这些只是我们通常忘记的一些好的步骤,在 70-80% 的情况下,缓慢是由这几个原因造成的
Web 性能最佳实践和规则< /a>
In Short there are very few basic steps being suggested by Yahoo team which have really helped my people to come up with such problem.Those are only some good steps which we generaly forgot and in 70-80% of cases slowness is of these few reasons
I suggest you to go through the detail blog being written by Yahoo team really good to start at
Web Performance Best Practices and Rules
优化图像 @ www.smushit.com/ysmush.it/ 这有助于增加网站加载时间。
Optimize images @ www.smushit.com/ysmush.it/ which helps to increase website load time.