日食 + SVN:从基本修订版本中打开编辑/选定的文件?
是否有任何快速方法可以打开当前编辑/选定的文件而无需进行本地修改(即来自 SVN 的基本修订版中的版本)。目前我这样做:我转到该文件的历史记录并从基本修订版打开版本。但这对我来说是很常见的操作,我想一步完成(甚至使用热键!)。
注意,我并不是说将文件的当前版本与基本版本进行比较,这非常简单,但比较编辑器对于我的需求来说通常过于冗长,更重要的是它不支持普通 Java 编辑器的功能,例如跳转到选定的方法/类等 我正在使用Subclipse
,但如果 Subclipse 不存在的话,我也对 Subversive 答案感兴趣。
Is there any quick way to open currently edited / selected file without local modifications (i.e. in version in base revision from SVN). Currently I do it this way: I go to history of that file and open version from base revision. But it's so common operation for me that I would like to do it in one step (or even using hotkey!).
Note I don't mean comparing current version of file with base version which is pretty simple but compare editor is often too verbose for my needs and what's more important it doesn't support features of normal Java editor like jumping to selected method/class etc.
I'm using Subclipse but I'm also interested in Subversive answer if it doesn't exist for Subclipse.
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我管理 Subclipse。
所有 Subclipse 操作都应可设置为键绑定,但 UI 中没有执行此操作的操作,因此您也无法绑定键。我不太清楚你想做什么,更重要的是为什么。我不知道有任何 SVN 客户端可以通过 diff 选项打开文件的基本版本。
您是否尝试过启用快速差异功能并将其配置为使用 SVN 原始副本作为基础?这使您可以使用普通编辑器,然后它会通过修改对文件的所有区域进行注释,并且您可以快速悬停以查看以前的版本是什么。
I manage Subclipse.
All Subclipse operations should be available to setup as key bindings, but there is not operation in the UI to do this so you could not bind a key either. I am not really clear what you want to do and more importantly why. I am not aware of any SVN client that can open the base version of a file other than the via the diff option.
Have you tried enabling the Quick Diff feature and configuring it to use the SVN pristine copy as the base? This lets you use your normal editor and then it annotates all the areas of the file with modifications and you can get a quick hover to see what the previous version was.
由团队提供者(Subclipse 或 Subversive)提供执行此操作的命令。我在 Subclipse 中找不到,但我不知道 Subversive。要查明是否有用于此目的的命令,您可以执行以下任一操作:
Window ->首选项->一般->键
并搜索svn(或其他东西)Window ->自定义透视图
部分。It's up to the Team Provider (Subclipse or Subversive) to provide a command that does this. I could not find one in Subclipse, but I don't know about Subversive. To find out if there is a command for this, you can do it either:
Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys
and search for svn (or other things)Window -> Customized Perspective
this will give you a dialog that has tabs where you can find all of the commands that are available. Look in theSVN