使用单一代码库(包括应用服务器和本机客户端库)进行跨平台 HTML5 移动开发?
我最近在客户那里试用了 Kony Studio。与 HTML5 开发相比,Kony Studio 与其他针对原生 iPhone/iPad/Android 的 IDE/框架相比如何?我正在开发一种基于云的自适应学习解决方案,该解决方案允许学生浏览知识、测试自己并接收有关其表现的自动反馈。
I tried Kony Studio recently at a client. How does Kony Studio compare to other IDEs/frameworks for native iphone/iPad/Android compared to HTML5 development? I am working on a cloud-based adaptive learning solution that allows students to browse knowledge, test themselves and receive automated feedback about their performance.
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甚至从未听说过“Kony Studio”。网站信息很少和/或组织得很差。看起来像是他们卖给“商人”的东西,然后他们将其强加给他们的开发人员。大多数跨平台移动开发在这一点上都很糟糕。最好的选择是适用于 HTML5 的 Phonegap 或 Appcelerator Titanium。尽管我更倾向于 Phonegap,但我不会推荐这两种方法。不过,这实际上取决于您的应用程序的简单程度。无论如何,复杂的表单/交互在 HTML5 上并不能很好地工作。似乎在 iPhone 上工作得更好,但我认为这是由于在 iPhone 的 JS 框架上投入了更多的精力,而且出于某种未知的原因,Android 碎片似乎在 HTML5/JS 应用程序中更加明显。
我认为基于 HTML5 的应用程序最终将变得更加突出,然后成为“标准”,但今天它还很粗糙。
Never even heard of "Kony Studio". Website info is light and/or badly organized. Looks like the kind of thing they sell to "business people" who then force it on their devs. Most cross platform mobile dev is bad at this point. Best bets are either Phonegap, for HTML5, or Appcelerator Titanium. I would recommend neither, although I'd lean towards Phonegap. It really depends on how simple your app is, though. Complex forms/interactions don't work well with HTML5, yet anyway. Seems to work better on iPhone, but I think that's due to more effort being put into the JS frameworks for iPhone, as well as Android fragmentation seems more visible with HTML5/JS apps for some unknown reason.
I think HTML5 based apps will eventually become more prominent, then "the standard", but today its rough.
我会将 PhoneGap 与 jQ mobile 之类的东西一起使用。市场肯定会朝着 HTML5 和 CSS 等良好/简单的标准发展。硬件加速正在进入浏览器渲染领域,“慢 HTML”将在 2-3 年内结束。
不惜一切代价远离 KONY。 IDE 只是 Eclipse 中的一组插件,但这就是一切的开始。
您从他们那里获得的安装程序并非在任何地方都可以工作(即挂在某些机器上)。一旦安装了 IDE,WYSIWIG 功能(UI 设计器)就是一个笑话。演示看起来不错,但实际上正确布局小部件是一项乏味的任务。您最终会为每种屏幕尺寸和渠道(Android 与 iOS)编写版本。在 Android 上,根本不处理缩放,例如,在 Galaxy Note 上运行应用程序,会发现所有表单布局完全倾斜。 KONY 4.x 根本不支持设备像素以及相对边距和填充(您在 PIXELS 中指定它们!!!)。
最大的卖点是“拖放,不用写代码”。实际上,KONY IDE 生成的 LUA 代码 (4.x) 不处理任何边缘情况,例如没有蜂窝网络。当您构建一个处理 Web 服务的简单应用程序时,如果您的手机信号下降,您的应用程序就会挂起,然后因 Android 内部错误而崩溃,然后重新运行该应用程序将无济于事,直到您终止损坏的进程。要开发一款可用的应用程序,需要在 LUA 中手动编写所有代码。升级到 KONY 5 并不容易 - “自动转换”工具是一项营销功能。
I'd use PhoneGap with something like jQ mobile. The market definitely moves towards good /simple standards like HTML5 and CSS. The hardware acceleration is coming into browser rendering arena and "slow HTML" is going to be over with in 2-3 years.
Stay away from KONY at all possible cost. The IDE is just a set of plugins into eclipse but here is where it all starts.
The installer that you get from them does not work everywhere (i.e. hangs on some machines). Once IDE installed, the WYSIWIG feature (UI designer) is a joke. The demos look OK but in reality it is a tedious tasks to layout widgets correctly. You end up writing versions for every screen size and channel (Android vs iOS). On Android the scaling is not handled at all, for example, run your app on Galaxy Note and see that all form layout is completely skewed. KONY 4.x does not support device pixels and relative margins and paddings at all (you specify them in PIXELS!!!).
The biggest selling point is "drag-n-drop, don't write code". In reality KONY IDE generates LUA code (4.x) that DOES NOT handle any edge cases, such as no cell network. When you build a simple app that transacts a web service and your cell signal goes down your app just hangs then crashes with internal Android error and then re-running the app does not help until you terminate the corrupted process. To do a usable app one needs to write all code by hand in LUA. There is no easy upgrade to KONY 5 - the "auto convert" tools is a marketing feature.
因此需要记住的一件事是 Kony v4 是一次彻底的改革,将核心引擎从 Lua 中分离出来,并使 Javascript 成为脚本语言。 Kony 的发布进度非常快,现在已经发布了 5.5 版本,这是一个巨大的改进。 Kony 还增加了一个新的 UI 设计工具 Visualizer,这使得创建 UI 的过程就像使用线框工具一样,但 Visualizer 的输出是 UI 直接转换为表格Kony 开发平台,使创建 UI 的任务变得更加容易。
Kony 的真正优势在于他们拥有服务级别协议 (SLA),可保证您的应用程序在发布到开发人员社区后 30 天内能够与新的操作系统和平台版本配合使用,这意味着您的代码是“面向未来的” 。这将成为您整体开发方法的重要加速器,因为您不必为每个新的操作系统更新而不断更新代码。
Kony 还采用了完整的 SDLC 方法,拥有三种不同的云产品,这些产品旨在独立或协同工作,涵盖 UI(Visualizer)、开发(Kony Studio)以及应用程序和设备的管理(MAM 和 MDM)。
So one thing to keep in mind is that Kony v4 was a complete overhaul, switching the core engine away from Lua and making Javascript the scripting language. Kony has a very fast release schedule, and is now on version 5.5, which is a vast improvement. There has also been the addition of a new UI design tool for Kony called Visualizer, which makes the process of creating the UI an experience that is like using a wire framing tool, but the output from Visualizer is the UI is translated directly into forms in the Kony Development platform, which makes the task of creating UI's much easier.
The real advantage of Kony is that they have a Service Level Agreement ( SLA ) that guarantees that your applications will work with new OS and platform releases within 30 days of being released to the developer community, meaning that your code is "future-proofed". This becomes a significant accelerator to your overall development approach, as you are not saddled with having to keep updating your code for each new OS update.
Kony also has embraced a complete SDLC approach, with three distinct cloud products that are designed to work independently or together, covering UI ( Visualizer ), development ( Kony Studio ), and Management of apps and devices ( MAM and MDM ).
You can trial all the products now for free at: http://www.kony.com/trials