如何计算 PPS 2010 中的百分比
我在表中有这些列,并将该表作为 FACT 表,并在 PPS2010 中使用时间智能过滤器。 我在 PPS 仪表板设计中有度量、总和(材料)、总和(销售)和总和(材料_%),
我已包含此多维数据集和所有度量..并使用分析图表.. 我为每一列(材料、销售、材料_%)开发了单独的图表。
当我使用时间过滤器时,销售和材料没有问题 在material_%图表中,我使用了时间过滤器当前季度的月数(显示三个月)显示了正确的值。
它显示146%(83 +33 +30 ) -->对于实际值
和 150 % ( 50+50+50) -->对于目标值,
实际上它显示实际值是 46%,目标值是 50%,
它应该是所有 3 个月的材料总和/所有 3 个月的销售额总和,但它只是计算所有材料的材料_% 列的总和3 个月
时间过滤器: 年 :: 半年 :: 季度:: 月::日
Month Year Material sales Material_% [ material / sales]
Jan_Act 2011 500 600 83
Jan_target 2011 400 800 50
Feb_Act 2011 300 900 33
Feb_target 2011 300 600 50
Mar_Act 2011 300 900 30
Mar_target 2011 300 600 50
Jan_Act 2012 0 0 0
Jan_target 2012 600 1000 60
Dec_Act 2012 0 0 0
Dec_target 2012 600 800 75
MDX 查询:
HIERARCHIZE( { [Time_dim].[Year - Half Year - Quarter - Month - Date].DEFAULTMEMBER } )ON COLUMNS,
HIERARCHIZE( { [Ven Bi Actfctmaster].[Act Fct].&[ACTUAL], [Ven Bi Actfctmaster].[Act Fct].&[TARGET] } )ON ROWS
FROM [Vin Finance]
WHERE ( [Measures].[Materials - Ven Bifullrptmaster] )
i have these columns in the table and made this table as the FACT table and also using time intelligence filter in the PPS2010..
i have measures , sum (materials), sum (sales) and sum (material_%)
in the PPS dashboard design i have included this cube and all the measures.. and using an analytic chart..
i have developed separate graphs for each columns (material, sales, material_%)..
for the sales and materials there is no problem , when i use the time filter
in the material_% graph i used the time filter current quarter in months (showing three months ) shows the correct value..
when i use the current quarter filter (sum of all the 3 months)
its showing 146% (83 +33 +30) --> for actual values
and 150 % ( 50+50+50) --> for target values
actually it showed show me 46% for actual and 50% for target ,
it should be sum of material in all the 3 months / sum of sales in all the 3 months but its just calculating sum of material_% column of all the 3 months
time filter : year :: Halfyear ::quarter:: Month::Day
DataBase Table:
Month Year Material sales Material_% [ material / sales]
Jan_Act 2011 500 600 83
Jan_target 2011 400 800 50
Feb_Act 2011 300 900 33
Feb_target 2011 300 600 50
Mar_Act 2011 300 900 30
Mar_target 2011 300 600 50
Jan_Act 2012 0 0 0
Jan_target 2012 600 1000 60
Dec_Act 2012 0 0 0
Dec_target 2012 600 800 75
MDX Query:
HIERARCHIZE( { [Time_dim].[Year - Half Year - Quarter - Month - Date].DEFAULTMEMBER } )ON COLUMNS,
HIERARCHIZE( { [Ven Bi Actfctmaster].[Act Fct].&[ACTUAL], [Ven Bi Actfctmaster].[Act Fct].&[TARGET] } )ON ROWS
FROM [Vin Finance]
WHERE ( [Measures].[Materials - Ven Bifullrptmaster] )
Please help me to sort out this issue.
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我通过在属性选项卡中将“%”列的度量从 sum 更改为averageofchild 解决了这个问题。
i solved this issue by changing the measure of '%' columns from sum to averageofchild in the property tab..