概括: 基本上,我希望用户输入合作伙伴的标题来过滤发行版列表。一种发行版有一种配置文件,但一位合作伙伴有多种发行版。因此,如果有人将一个合作伙伴头衔放入搜索表单中。这将对应于多个分发ID(通过多个matching_profile id)。
belongs_to :matching_profile, :counter_cache => true
belongs_to :partner
has_many :matching_profiles
我可以用 SQL 来做: 从发行版中选择 d.* d joinmatching_profiles m on d.matching_profile_id = m.id join Partners p on m.partner_id = p.id where p.title in ( 'TITLE' )
更新: 实际上,这就是我想做的。但还有一些空白...请帮忙!
@search = Distribution.workflow.order(sort_column + " " + sort_direction).search(params[:traits_searchable_search])
<%= form_for @search, :url => url_for(:controller => params[:controller], :action => params[:action]), :html => {id => "distribution_workflow",:method => :get} do |f| %>
<div class="form-block mrl mbm mtm">
<%= f.label 'matching_profile.partner.title_equal', "Partner" %>
<%= f.select @search.where('matching_profile_id in (select id from matching_profiles where partner_id in (select id from partners where title in (?)))'), Partner.select(:title), :include_blank => " " %>
f.select 部分是不正确的,但我认为我想要做的事情的想法在这里被捕获。我只是不知道该怎么做。 /update
目前,我尝试通过添加另一个 search_scope
search_scopes :equal => [:status, 'matching_profile.partner.title'] #obviously very wrong
search_scopes :equal => [:status, 'distributions.matching_profile.partner.title']
这不会给我错误,但也不会过滤。朝着正确方向迈出的一步? /update
AND (matching_profile.partner.title = 'PARTNER_TITLE')
Basically, I want the user to input the title of a parter to filter a list of distributions on. One distribution has one profile, but one partner has many distributions. So, if someone were to put one partner title into the search form. That would correspond to multiple distribution ids (by way of multiple matching_profile ids).
I should describe the three models in question:
belongs_to :matching_profile, :counter_cache => true
belongs_to :partner
has_many :matching_profiles
I basically need to access partner.title through the distribution model.
i can do it in SQL:select d.* from distributions d join matching_profiles m on d.matching_profile_id = m.id join partners p on m.partner_id = p.id where p.title in ( 'TITLE' )
here, effectively, is what I'd like to do. There are some gaps missing though...Please help!
in my controller i have:
@search = Distribution.workflow.order(sort_column + " " + sort_direction).search(params[:traits_searchable_search])
in the view I have:
<%= form_for @search, :url => url_for(:controller => params[:controller], :action => params[:action]), :html => {id => "distribution_workflow",:method => :get} do |f| %>
<div class="form-block mrl mbm mtm">
<%= f.label 'matching_profile.partner.title_equal', "Partner" %>
<%= f.select @search.where('matching_profile_id in (select id from matching_profiles where partner_id in (select id from partners where title in (?)))'), Partner.select(:title), :include_blank => " " %>
the f.select part is what is incorrect but i think the IDEA of what I'm trying to do is captured here. I just don't know HOW to do it.
I'm presenting a report in a web page and i need to allow the user to filter out which rows are available based on the title of a partner. The title of the partner however is not in the model that I've created the form for. The form is for the distribution model, which has a reference to matching_profile, which has a reference to partner. the partners table is the one that contains the title that I'd like to filter on.
Currently, I tried to accomplish this by adding another search_scope
search_scopes :equal => [:status, 'matching_profile.partner.title'] #obviously very wrong
update: I also tried this:
search_scopes :equal => [:status, 'distributions.matching_profile.partner.title']
this doesn't give me an error, but doesn't filter either. a step in the right direction? /update
but i'm getting an error because I can't seem to "hop" two tables to get to the title. I'm seeing this in the error message:
AND (matching_profile.partner.title = 'PARTNER_TITLE')
of course, this is wrong because there's no matching_profile field, only matching_profile_id.
I'm not sure what the best way to go about this is. Any advice is appreciated.
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好吧,我最终要做的是在我的可搜索特征中添加一个新选项以允许 :in 搜索。从那里我必须做一些重新调整以使序列化满意,但一旦我意识到我可以扩展可搜索特征,它就相对简单了。我添加了这个:
well, what I ended up having to do is adding a new option in my searchable trait to allow for an :in search. From there I had to do some re-jiggering to make the serialization happy, but it was relatively straightforward once i realized i could extend the searchable trait. I added this:
then in my distribution model I added:
and finally in my view I could do this:
and the controller magically stays the same.