扩展现有 ATG CRS 商店的功能
我们需要扩展现有的 ATG CRS 功能。我们需要实现可配置的产品功能。到目前为止我们所做的任何研究都表明 ATG CRS 中没有表单处理程序来处理这个问题。有人可以指导如何进行 Java 类和相关组件的编码吗?
我对 ATG 完全陌生,我所能使用的就是整个 CRS 模块,但它看起来很大。 请帮忙。
There is a requirement wherein we need to extend the existing ATG CRS functionality. We need to implement the configurable product functionality. Whatever research we have done till now says that there is no form handler in ATG CRS to take care of this. Can someone provide a lead on how to go about coding for the Java Class and related components for this.
I am totally new to ATG and all that I have at my disposal is the entire CRS module, but it looks vast.
Please help.
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如果您是 ATG 新手,最好的起点是耐心阅读 http 中提供的文档: //docs.oracle.com/cd/E23507_01/index.html
可配置产品/可配置 SKU 是非常重要的自定义,确实需要对框架有深入的了解。恐怕需要的不仅仅是一个表单处理程序。
If you are new to ATG, good starting point would be working patiently through the documentation available from http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23507_01/index.html
Configurable products/configurable SKUs are non-trivial customizations and does require solid understanding of the framework. It takes much more that just a formhandler, I am afraid.