Texticle 也可以进行地理定位搜索吗?
我不完全理解 PostgreSQL 的文本搜索是否可以与地理位置搜索一起使用。我问这个问题是因为我需要全文搜索以及按距离排序并为我的 Heroku 应用程序查找附近位置的能力。我正在使用 Geocoder 来执行后者,我想知道是否可以将其添加到 Texticle 中,并且它会与它一起工作吗?
I don't fully understand if Texticle search for PostgreSQL can be used with geolocation searching. I ask this because I need both Full-text searching and the ability to sort by distance and find near a location for my Heroku application. I am using Geocoder to do the latter and I wanted to know if I can just add it inside Texticle and it would work with it?
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我怀疑这会成为一个问题。 Texticle 提供对利用全文搜索功能的方法的访问,该功能已经是 PostgreSQL 的一部分。地理编码器只需要访问数据库即可实现持久性。
I doubt it will be an issue. Texticle provides access to methods which leverage fulltext search functionality that is already a part of PostgreSQL. Geocoder just needs access to a database for persistence.