互联网资源虽然无疑是一个好的开始,但也只能带您到目前为止。我强烈推荐 Serge Lidin 的“Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler”,Apress 2006。
Internet resources--while certainly a good start--will only take you so far. I would highly recommend "Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler" by Serge Lidin, Apress 2006.
Look at the OpCodes class to see everything that MSIL can do, then use Reflector/ILSpy or ILDASM on simple functions to see how to do it (Reflector/ILSpy have a better UI). You can also use LINQPad to translate C# or VB directly to MSIL faster.
You will need a basic understanding of how stack-based languages work.
互联网资源虽然无疑是一个好的开始,但也只能带您到目前为止。我强烈推荐 Serge Lidin 的“Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler”,Apress 2006。
Internet resources--while certainly a good start--will only take you so far. I would highly recommend "Expert .NET 2.0 IL Assembler" by Serge Lidin, Apress 2006.
MSDN 杂志上有一篇 John Robbins 撰写的很好的 IL 介绍性文章。这是另一篇文章,用于入门。有关更多详细信息,您可以查看 ECMA-335 的第三部分。
There's a good IL introductory article by John Robbins on MSDN magazine. And here's another article for getting started. For more details you may checkout Partition III of ECMA-335.
类 要了解 MSIL 可以执行的所有操作,然后在简单功能上使用 Reflector/ILSpy 或 ILDASM 来了解如何执行此操作(Reflector/ILSpy 有更好的 UI)。您还可以使用 LINQPad 将 C# 或 VB 直接更快地转换为 MSIL。
Look at the
class to see everything that MSIL can do, then use Reflector/ILSpy or ILDASM on simple functions to see how to do it (Reflector/ILSpy have a better UI).You can also use LINQPad to translate C# or VB directly to MSIL faster.
You will need a basic understanding of how stack-based languages work.