如何判断视图是否已经渲染? javascript
我正在使用backbone.js 创建我的应用程序
Onethingaday.Views.Home ||= {}
class Onethingaday.Views.Home.LayoutView extends Backbone.View
template: JST["backbone/templates/home/layout"]
initialize: ->
@options.user.bind('change',@render,@renderProfile, @)
renderProfile: ->
view = new Onethingaday.Views.Shared.MiniProfileView
user: @options.user
@$('.profile').html view.render().el
render: ->
I am creating my application using backbone.js
As seen below I have a layoutView which I use to render the layout and also a mini profile within the layout.
The issue I have is with timing. I need to have the 'render' method complete first before triggering 'renderProfile' method. How can I do that?
Onethingaday.Views.Home ||= {}
class Onethingaday.Views.Home.LayoutView extends Backbone.View
template: JST["backbone/templates/home/layout"]
initialize: ->
@options.user.bind('change',@render,@renderProfile, @)
renderProfile: ->
view = new Onethingaday.Views.Shared.MiniProfileView
user: @options.user
@$('.profile').html view.render().el
render: ->
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你的情况就是我为 Backbone 编写 LayoutManager 的原因, http://github.com/tbranyen/backbone.layoutmanager。
Your situation is why I wrote LayoutManager for Backbone, http://github.com/tbranyen/backbone.layoutmanager.
What you should be doing is separating your sub views from your main (layout) view.
So in your route callback you'd have something like this:
I would implore you to investigate my library, as I think the declarative manner in which sub views are associated to layouts is really quite elegant.