好吧,我正在使用 phong 着色开发光线追踪器。到目前为止,一切都很好。我已经投射了击中场景中球体的光线,并对它们应用了 phong 阴影,看起来很正常。
// Origin of ray (x,y,z)
origin: -1.9865333, 1.0925934, -9.8653316
// Direction of ray (x,y,z), already normalized
ray: -0.99069530, -0.13507602, -0.016648887
// Center of sphere (x,y,z)
cCenter: 1.0, 1.0, -10.0
// Radius of the sphere (x,y,z)
cRadius: 1.0
// A = d DOT d
float a = dotProd(ray, ray);
// B = 2 * (o - c) DOT d
Point temp (2.0*(origin.getX() - cCenter.getX()), 2.0*(origin.getY() - cCenter.getY()), 2.0*(origin.getZ() - cCenter.getZ()));
float b = dotProd(temp, ray);
// C = (o - c) DOT (o - c) - r^2
temp.setAll(origin.getX() - cCenter.getX(), origin.getY() - cCenter.getY(), origin.getZ() - cCenter.getZ());
float c = dotProd(temp, temp);
c -= (cRadius * cRadius);
// Find the discriminant (B^2 - 4AC)
float discrim = (b*b) - 4*a*c;
显然,光线指向远离球体的方向,但这里的判别式为正值 (2.88),表明光线正在撞击球体。该代码对于初级光线效果很好,因为它们的判别式必须正确,但对于这些次级阴影光线则不然。
Alright, so I'm working on a ray tracer using phong shading. So far, everything is good. I've cast rays that have hit the spheres in my scene, applied phong shading to them, and it looks normal.
Now, I'm calculating shadow rays, which is shooting a ray from the point of intersection from the primary ray to the light source, and seeing if it hits any objects on the way. If it does, then it's in a shadow.
However, when computing whether the shadow ray hits any spheres, there seems to be an error with my discriminant that is calculated, which is odd since it's been correct so far for primary rays.
Here's the setup:
// Origin of ray (x,y,z)
origin: -1.9865333, 1.0925934, -9.8653316
// Direction of ray (x,y,z), already normalized
ray: -0.99069530, -0.13507602, -0.016648887
// Center of sphere (x,y,z)
cCenter: 1.0, 1.0, -10.0
// Radius of the sphere (x,y,z)
cRadius: 1.0
, and here's the code for finding the discriminant:
// A = d DOT d
float a = dotProd(ray, ray);
// B = 2 * (o - c) DOT d
Point temp (2.0*(origin.getX() - cCenter.getX()), 2.0*(origin.getY() - cCenter.getY()), 2.0*(origin.getZ() - cCenter.getZ()));
float b = dotProd(temp, ray);
// C = (o - c) DOT (o - c) - r^2
temp.setAll(origin.getX() - cCenter.getX(), origin.getY() - cCenter.getY(), origin.getZ() - cCenter.getZ());
float c = dotProd(temp, temp);
c -= (cRadius * cRadius);
// Find the discriminant (B^2 - 4AC)
float discrim = (b*b) - 4*a*c;
Clearly, the ray is pointing away from the sphere, yet the discriminant here is positive (2.88) indicating that the ray is hitting the sphere. And this code works fine for primary rays as their discriminants must be correct, yet not for these secondary shadow rays.
Am I missing something here?
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判别式告诉您行是否存在命中(而不是否存在 >ray,就像我想的那样)。如果它是积极的,那么它就检测到线路上某处被击中。
因此,在计算射线的 t 值时,请检查它们是否为负值。如果是,那么它是在射线原点后面(即射线的相反方向)的命中,因此丢弃它。仅保留正值,因为它们是沿射线方向命中的。
更短的答案:丢弃负 t 值。
So short answer for my problem, in case someone finds this and has the same problem:
The discriminant tells you whether a hit exists for a line (and not for a ray, like I thought). If it's positive, then it has detected a hit somewhere on the line.
So, when calculating the t-value(s) for the ray, check to see if they're negative. If they are, then it's a hit BEHIND the point of origin of the ray (ie. the opposite direction of the ray), so discard it. Only keep the positive values, as they're hits in the direction of the ray.
Even shorter answer: discard negative t-values.
Credit goes to woodchips for making me realize this.
问题是,找到直线和球体交点的技巧需要解二次方程。这样的方程具有三种可能性之一作为解 - 该方程有 0、1 或 2 个实数解。判别式的符号告诉我们有多少个真实的解决方案(并帮助我们求解这些解决方案)。
The issue is, the trick to finding the intersection of a line and a sphere requires the solution of a quadratic equation. Such an equation has one of three possibilities as a solution - there are 0, 1, or 2 real solutions to that equation. The sign of the discriminant tells us how many real solutions there are (as well as helping us to solve for those solutions.)
If a unique solution exists, then the line just kisses the surface of the sphere. This happens when the discriminant is exactly zero.
If two solutions exist, then the line passes through the sphere, hitting the surface in TWO distinct points.
If no real solution exists (the case where the discriminant is negative) then the line lies too far away from the sphere to touch it at all.
Having discovered if the line ever goes near the sphere or not, only then do we worry if the ray hits it. For this, we can look at how we define the ray. A ray is a half line, extending to infinity in only one direction. So we look to see where on the line the intersection points happen. Only if the intersection happens on the half of the line that we care about is there a RAY-sphere intersection.
The point is, computation of the discriminant (and simply testing its sign) tells you ONLY about what the line does, not about where an intersection occurs along that line.
Of course, a careful reading of the link you yourself provided would have told you all of this.
Pretty sure "o-c" should be "c-o"
You're shooting a ray off in the wrong direction and finding the intersection on the other side of the sphere.