用 JavaScript 和 HTML5 Canvas 实现的元胞自动机
我用 JavaScript 实现了康威的生命游戏,但我没有看到相同的模式,例如高斯珀的滑翔机枪。我按照维基百科文章中描述的方式播种网格,但是枪从未发生过。
I implemented a Conway's Game of Life in JavaScript but I'm not seeing the same patterns such as Gosper's Glider Gun. I seed the grid the ways it's depicted in the Wikipedia article but, the gun never happens.
Will someone look at my code and see if there's anything wrong with it, any suggestions to the implementation?
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创建一个名为 willBeAlive 的新属性,并使用它来保存单元格新计算的活动状态。一旦该代的所有计算完成,将每个单元格的alive属性设置为其willBeAlive属性并重绘。
这是“Gosper's Glider Gun”的种子数组:
You are not updating all of the cells simultaneously, rather sequentially. A cell that is born in the first generation will not appear alive to the calculation of other cells of the first generation (it still counts as dead).
Create a new property called willBeAlive and use that to hold the cell's new calculated alive state. Once all the calculations for that generation are done, set each cell's alive property to its willBeAlive property and redraw.
Here are the changes:
and here is a seed array for "Gosper's Glider Gun":