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Closed 12 years ago.
看起来有几个网站和应用程序已经使用了 Metro 风格,例如:
Looks there're several websites and apps have already used metro style, like:
据我所知,是可以实施的。这是 GitHub 上的一个项目,它提供了一个 Web UI 库 Metro-UI-CSS。项目网站:MetroUI。
As far as I know, it can be implemented. Here is a project on GitHub which provides a Web UI Library Metro-UI-CSS. The project website: MetroUI.
I have been using this recently; it is pretty nice!
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看起来有几个网站和应用程序已经使用了 Metro 风格,例如:
Looks there're several websites and apps have already used metro style, like:
据我所知,是可以实施的。这是 GitHub 上的一个项目,它提供了一个 Web UI 库 Metro-UI-CSS。项目网站:MetroUI。
As far as I know, it can be implemented. Here is a project on GitHub which provides a Web UI Library Metro-UI-CSS. The project website: MetroUI.
I have been using this recently; it is pretty nice!