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Closed 10 years ago.
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您是否正在寻找本地化框架或具有本地化功能的 Web 框架?
如果您的情况是第二种,除了复数支持之外,Apache Tapestry 是一个不错的选择。 :)
Are you looking for a l10n framework or a web-framework with l10n features?
If your case is the second one, except for the Plurals support,
Apache Tapestry
it's a wonderful choice. :)
看看 ICU4J。
特别是像 MessageFormat、PluralFormat、SelectFormat 这样的东西来处理消息,并且还可以处理日期/时间/数字/货币格式。或者直接使用各种格式化程序(DateFormat、NumberFormat等)
Java 中的 ChoiceFormat 也值得一看。
但总的来说,资源包机制与 MessageFormat 相结合几乎总是足够的(看看 ICU4J 中的 UResourceBundle,比 Java ResourceBundle 更强大)。
Take a look at ICU4J.
Especially things like MessageFormat, PluralFormat, SelectFormat to deal with messages, and that can also take care of date/time/number/currency formatting. Or use various formatters directly (DateFormat, NumberFormat, etc.)
ChoiceFormat in Java is also worth a look.
But in general the resource bundles mechanism coupled with MessageFormat is almost always enough (take a look at UResourceBundle in ICU4J, more powerful than the Java ResourceBundle).