Xcode ARMV 应用程序可执行文件丢失
我需要更改我的“armv”才能上传。但我该怎么办呢? 它说:
iPhone/iPod Touch:应用程序可执行文件缺少必需的 架构 必须至少具有以下架构之一 目前:armv6
I need to change my "armv" before I can upload it. But how can I do it?
it says:
iPhone/iPod Touch: application executable is missing a required
architecture at least one of the following architecture(s) must be
present: armv6
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您可以将 armv6 添加到构建设置中。另外,请确保将其添加到有效架构中。它应该看起来像这样。
You can add armv6 to your build settings. Also, make sure it is added to Valid Architectures. It should hopefully look something like this.