Autocad .dwg 到 SVG 到 PolyMap 的图块,从而生成活动平面图
我目前正在将 .dwg 文件另存为 .dxf,在 Illustrator 中打开,另存为 .svg,然后使用 Polymaps 将其嵌入到 html 文档中。期望的结果是拥有一个活动平面图。平面图超过 1,000,000 平方英尺。所以我相信平铺是拥有可在移动设备上使用的东西的唯一方法(由于加载时间)
我无法找到有关如何从 SVG 文件创建平铺的任何信息,并且然后将它们与 Polymap 一起使用。我对此不熟悉,所以尽管我已经完整阅读了 Polymaps 文档,但我不确定即使在拥有图块之后我是否能够实现。
如果有任何关于从 .svg 创建可与 Polymap 一起使用的图块的资源,以及有关使用 Polymap 的更详细的示例,我将不胜感激。
I am currently saving a .dwg file as .dxf, opening in Illustrator, saving as .svg, and then embedding it in an html document using Polymaps. The desired result is to have an event floor plan. The floor plan is over 1,000,000 sq. ft. so I believe tiling is the only way to have something that is usable with mobile devices (due to load times)
I am unable to locate any information on how to create tiles from the SVG file and then use them with Polymaps. I'm unfamiliar with this so, although I've read the Polymaps documentation in it's entirety, I'm not certain I'll be able to implement even after having the tiles.
I would appreciate any resources on creating tiles from a .svg that can be used with Polymaps and further, more detailed examples on using Polymaps.
Thank you,
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虽然 Polymaps 支持 SVG,但一个简单的选择是将 SVG 导出为非常大的图像,然后使用地图平铺实用程序将其导出。
我刚刚尝试了 GDAL,它似乎是许多商业工具的基础实用程序。一般信息在这里:
对于 OSX,您可以在此处下载 GDAL 实用程序的预编译版本:http://www.kyngchaos。 com/software/frameworks
运行安装程序,然后打开终端并将 Python 脚本导出到您的路径中:
export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Programs:$PATH
使用 gdal2tiles 命令创建图块。。这是我执行的命令,它创建了一堆图块,以及示例 openlayers html 演示!从你的来源。 -p 'raster' largeexported_image.png -z 2-5
如果您特别想使用 Polymap,我相信可以使用从 gdal 导出的图块,但我还没有'我试过了。这应该可以满足您在 HTML 中创建纯 JS 瓦片地图的需求。
While Polymaps has SVG support, one simple option is to export your SVG as a very large image, and then use a map tiling utility to export it.
I just tried out GDAL, which seems like the underlying utiliy a lot of the commercial tools are built off of. General is here:
A quick recipe to create map tiles from a large Raster image.
For OSX, you can download a precompile of the GDAL utility here:
Run the installer, then open terminal and export the Python scripts into your path:
export PATH=/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Programs:$PATH
Use gdal2tiles command to create your tiles. Here's a command that I did, which creates a bunch of tiles, and sample openlayers html demo! from your source. -p 'raster' largeexported_image.png -z 2-5
If you'd like to use Polymaps in particular, I believe its possible to consume the tiles exported from gdal, but I haven't tried that. This should meet your need of creating a pure JS tile map in HTML.