IBM Rational Rose 能做什么而 Microsoft Visio 不能?
我寻找合理的玫瑰功能列表,但它们提供的更多是详细而不是功能列表。其中是否支持从 UML 创建类模板?
I looked for rational rose feature list but what they present is more of a verbose instead of a list of features. Do any of these support creation of class templates from UML?
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In general, Visio is a drawing tool while Rational rose is a modeling tool. To me, these are two different families of tools. Of course, it´s difficult to classify some tools in clearly one of the two categories but in general I´d say that the main difference is that drawing tools do not understand the model you are drawing, they just let you represent it. This implies that most likely they will not be able to check if the model is correct or to generate code from it.
正如 Jordi 提到的,区别在于 Rose(和其他)等工具了解 UML 规则。它们使您能够捕获建模错误,更重要的是,使您能够更轻松地重构模型。假设您的“Customer”类已重命名为“Account” - 在模型中更改它,所有对 Customer 的引用都将更新。
请记住 - 一个好的 UML 模型有点像电路图 - 它具有允许您非常精确地表达想要传达的内容的规则。有一些建模方法意味着您可以生成应用程序,而不是直接对其进行编码(或只编写很少的代码)。许多嵌入式/安全关键系统都是通过这种方式构建的。
您想通过 UML 图实现什么目的?这可能会帮助人们更准确地回答您的问题。
另外 - 如果您需要使用 UML 2.x - 我会推荐 Rational Software Architect 或(取决于您的建模需求)System Architect,因为 Rose 更适合 UML 1.x。
As Jordi mentions - the difference is that tools like Rose (and others) understand the rules of UML. They allow you to catch modelling errors, and more importantly, allow you to refactor models more easily. Say your "Customer" class has been renamed "Account" - change it in the model and all references to Customer will be updated.
Remember -a good UML model is a bit like a circuit diagram - it has rules that allow you be very precise about what you want to convey. There are approaches to modelling that mean you generate the application rather than code it directly (or code very little of it). Many embedded/safety critical systems are built this way.
What are you trying to achieve with your UML diagrams? This might help people answer your question more precisely.
Also - if you have a requirement to use UML 2.x - I would recommend Rational Software Architect or(depending on your modelling needs) System Architect as Rose is more geared to UML 1.x.
创建类模板并不是什么大问题...许多廉价的 UML 工具都可以做到这一点...其中许多工具允许您编写自己的转换,例如
构建模型并不容易...它只是绘图工具...尝试一些便宜的 UML 工具,例如 Sparx Systems Enterprise架构师。...它们更好...甚至在很多情况下比 IBM 工具更好...
Viso 不能...
但不要忘记最好的 UML 建模工具是白板...
Creating of class templates is not big issue...Many cheap UML tools do it...And many of them allow you to write your own transformation such as
But i never seen a practical benefit from those mechanical conversion...
It is not easy to structure your models...It is just drawing tool...Try some cheap UML tools such as Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect... They are better...even better than IBM tools in many situations...
Viso can not...
generate sequence diagrams from code execution...
But do not forget The best UML modeling tool is whiteboard...
You can make your walls agile modeling enviroments with some cheap products:
Whiteboard-Like Sheets For Agile Modeling On Walls
Rational 是世界上最好的 UML 工具,但是自从它的 Eclipse 集成和 GMF 框架的使用以来,它现在变得如此不稳定、如此缓慢、无法直接控制模型等等......甚至比像 Visio 这样的绘图工具更好! !
Rational was the best UML tool in the world but since its eclipse integration and the use of the GMF framework it is now so unstable, so slow, no direct control of the model etc... than even a drawing tool like Visio is better !!