获取所有主要货币的 Html 实体
目前,我正在尝试寻找所有主要货币的 html 实体,我可以轻松获取美元、欧元、加元、澳元等货币,但我很难获取我拥有保加利亚列弗 (лв) 的所有其他国家的实体、人民币 (¥)、俄罗斯卢布 (руб)、UA 阿联酋迪拉姆 (Î.Í)
Currently i am trying to look for the html entities for all the major currencies , i can easily get for USD , EURO , CAD, AUD and few more but i am having hard time getting entities for all other countries i have Bulgarian Lev (лв) , Chinese Renminbi (¥), Russian Ruble (руб), U.A. Emirates Dirhams (د.إ)
Everytime i enter them in my dropdown they are coming as ? sign , so is there any way around it and yes i am using correct meta charset, just trying to get html entities for them
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在 UTF-8 数据中显示为 � 的字符表明您使用的字符不是正确的 UTF-8 字符。
例如,当将 UTF-8 字符粘贴到 ISO-8859-1 编码的 HTML 文件中时,可能会发生这种情况(可以通过在使用的 IDE 或编辑器中选择正确的编码来解决此问题)。另一个常见原因是使用的数据库连接不是完全 UTF-8。
如果你解决了这个问题,那么你就不需要 HTML 实体了。
Characters showing up as � in UTF-8 data are an indication that the characters you're using are not proper UTF-8 ones.
This can happen when pasting UTF-8 characters into a HTML file that is ISO-8859-1 encoded, for example (this can be fixed by choosing the right encoding in the IDE or editor used). Another frequent reason is the use of a database connection that isn't UTF-8 all the way through.
If you fix that, you should be fine without needing HTML entities.
除了 € 的
之外,HTML 4.01 中的货币实体还有 £ 的£
为日元/人民币 ¥。请参阅HTML 4.01 实体列表。(HTML 5 草案添加了一长串实体,但它比无用更糟糕 - 通常不受浏览器支持,并且它不会为您提供通过使用数字字符引用更安全地实现的任何功能。)
表示韩元符号 ₩。您只需通过 Unicode 编号来识别符号中使用的字符即可。或者,通常更好的是,使用支持 Unicode 的创作工具直接使用字符,并将文档编码正确设置并声明为 utf-8。但可以对所有货币符号使用“转义符”。
In addition to
for €, the entities for currencies in HTML 4.01 are£
for £ and¥
for yen/yuan ¥. See HTML 4.01 list of entities.(HTML 5 drafts add a long list of entities, but it’s worse than useless – generally not supported by browsers, and it gives you nothing that you could not achieve much safer by using numeric character references.)
For other currencies, you can use numeric character references, such as
for the won sign ₩. You just need to identify the character(s) used in the symbol by their Unicode numbers.Alternatively, and usually better, use the characters directly, using a Unicode-enabled authoring tool, with document encoding properly set to and declared as utf-8. But it is possible to use “escapes” for all currency symbols.
您可以在 http://symbologic.info/currency.htm 上查看带有国家/地区的大量货币、货币单位符号、ISO 和 HTML 实体代码、HTML 十进制和十六进制代码。较小的列表位于 http://www.w3schools.com/charsets/ref_utf_currency.asp
请记住,utf-8 是 html 5 的默认编码,ISO-8859-1 是 html 4 的默认编码
You can see at http://symbologic.info/currency.htm a very large list of currencies with Country, Currency Unit Symbol, ISO and HTML Entity Code, HTML Decimal and Hex Code. A smaller list is at http://www.w3schools.com/charsets/ref_utf_currency.asp
The html page encoding set in the needs to match the encodig of the combobox values (that you can load by ajax). You can set it by meta tag like:
Remember that utf-8 is the default encoding for html 5 and ISO-8859-1 is the default encoding for html 4