NES 上的《合金装备》:游戏中开门的规则是算法吗?
在 1987 年的 NES 游戏合金装备中,玩家使用 8 张卡牌来打开游戏中的门。考虑到 NES 上的少量内存(ROM 和 RAM),期望游戏中开门规则以短<的形式表达似乎是合理的(或者至少是可能的) /strong> 一段代码。就此类游戏而言,卡号和门之间的映射是任意。与计算机存储器中卡门映射的显式表示相比,算法的存储器占用空间可能更小。此外,编写一个简单的算法一次比必须为每个具有一个或多个屏幕的屏幕决定并输入多个数字要高效得多(就完成游戏所需的人力资源而言)门。
In the NES Game Metal Gear from year 1987, the player uses 8 cards to open doors in the game. Considering the small amount of memory (both ROM and RAM) on the NES, it seems reasonable (or, at least, possible) to expect that the rules for opening doors in the game are expressed in the form of a short piece of code. The mapping between card numbers and doors is - for the purposes of such a game - arbitrary. An algorithm may have smaller memory footprint than an explicit representation of the card-door mapping in computer memory. In addition, writing a simple algorithm once is much more productive (in terms of human resources needed to finish the game) than having to decide on and enter several numbers for each of the screens that have one or more doors.
Are the rules for opening doors in the game expressed as an algorithm, or is it just plain data?
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就 NES 的《合金装备》而言,有 11 种门(上锁的门、电梯门、打孔时打开的门以及普通未上锁的门)。我不确定《合金装备》具体是如何工作的,但很可能它将每种门作为对象 ID 存储在数据中,然后当玩家与其交互时,游戏会使用对象 ID 来决定要做什么。门可能还有其他数据告诉游戏引擎门通向哪里,但您必须对游戏本身进行逆向工程才能获得实际细节。
In the case of Metal Gear for NES there are eleven kinds of doors (locked doors, elevator doors, doors that open when punched and plain unlocked doors). I'm not sure how Metal Gear works specifically, but likely it stores each kind of door as an object ID in data, then when the player interacts with it the game uses the object ID to decide to do. There's probably additional data for doors telling the game engine where the door leads, but you'd have to reverse-engineer the game itself in order to get the actual details.