有人可以解释这些 apache bench 结果吗?有什么突出的吗?
下面是一个针对 10K 请求和 50 个并发线程运行的 apache 工作台。
我正在查看连接时间部分,并看到“等待”和“处理”。它显示平均等待时间是 208,平均连接时间是 0,处理时间是 208。但总数是 208。有人可以向我解释一下吗,因为这对我来说没有多大意义。
Below is a apache bench run for 10K requests with 50 concurrent threads.
I need help understanding the results, does anything stand out in the results that might be pointing to something blocking and restricting more requests per second?
I'm looking at the connection time section, and see 'waiting' and 'processing'. It shows the mean time for waiting is 208, and the mean time to connect is 0 and processing is 208..yet the total is 208. Can someone explain this to me as it doesn't make much sense to me.
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连接时间是ab与您的服务器建立连接所花费的时间。您可能在同一台服务器上或 LAN 内运行它,因此您的连接时间为 0。
对于真正的基准测试,请从目标市场附近的多个点尝试 ab,以了解延迟的真实情况。现在您拥有的所有信息都是等待时间。
Connect time is time it took ab to establish connection with your server. you are probably running it on same server or within LAN, so your connect time is 0.
Processing time is total time server took to process and send complete response.
Wait time is time between sending request and receiving 1st byte of response.
Again, since you are running on same server, and small size of file, your processing time == wait time.
For real benchmark, try ab from multiple points near your target market to get real idea of latency. Right now all the info you have is the wait time.
您可能会受益于禁用代理端的 TCP nagle 或服务器端的 ACK 延迟。它们可能会产生不良交互并导致不必要的延迟。像我一样,这可能就是为什么你的最短时间恰好是 200 毫秒。
我无法确认,但我的理解是问题是跨平台的,因为它是 TCP 规范的一部分。它可能只是为了快速连接发送和接收的少量数据,尽管我也看到过有关较大传输的问题的报告。也许更了解 TCP 的人可以参与进来。
This question is getting old, but I've run into the same problem so I might as well contribute an answer.
You might benefit from disabling either TCP nagle on the agent side, or ACK delay on the server side. They can interact badly and cause an unwanted delay. Like me, that's probably why your minimum time is exactly 200ms.
I can't confirm, but my understanding is that the problem is cross-platform since it's part of the TCP spec. It might be just for quick connections with a small amount of data sent and received, though I've seen reports of issues for larger transfers too. Maybe somebody who knows TCP better can pitch in.