当我尝试绘制尺寸为 1280*768 的图像时,我遇到了缓慢的问题,它的格式是 PNG,它的大小几乎是 3.26 MB,但是当我将它转换为 JPEG 时,它的大小是 226KB,!慢速问题消失了! ,
我的问题是为什么在尝试绘制大尺寸的缓冲图像时会出现缓慢? java是只处理小尺寸的图像还是什么?
i had problem with slow when i tried to draw an image with scale : 1280*768 and it's format is PNG and it's size is 3.26 MB nearly , but when i converted it to JPEG , it's size be 226KB , ! and the slownes problem disappeared !! ,
my question is why slowness occured while trying to draw an buffered image with large size ? is java handle small size of images only or what ?
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将图像缩小为 JPEG 时,会丢失一些图像数据,从而使文件变短。
3.26 MB > 226 KB!
您可能在屏幕上看不到任何差异,因为原始文件太大,可能无法显示每个像素,但转换为 JPEG 时质量会有所损失。
查看此网站有关图像文件格式的信息:GIF、PNG、或者 JPEG 的?
编辑 您还可以查看此网站上的图像绘制:http://www.kitfox.com/javaOne2007/javaOne-notes.pdf
您可以使用 java.awt.RenderingHints. 将其与 BufferedImageOp 一起使用可以使图像加载速度更快(但会牺牲一些质量)。
When you shrink an image to JPEG, you lose some of the image data, making the file shorter.
It takes less time to read a shorter file.
3.26 MB > 226 KB
!You might not see a difference on your screen because the original file is so large, that not every pixel might be shown, but there is a loss of quality when converting to JPEG.
Check out this site about image file formats: GIF's, PNG's, or JPEG's?
EDIT You can also look at this website on image drawing: http://www.kitfox.com/javaOne2007/javaOne-notes.pdf
You can render images quickly using java.awt.RenderingHints. Using this with BufferedImageOp can make your images load faster (at the expense of some quality, though).
I hope this helped!