phpBB 3.0.9 LDAP 身份验证可以工作,但不会在 LDAP 中创建用户帐户
我正在使用带有 LDAP 身份验证设置的 phpBB 3.0.9。目前,我需要在LDAP中手动创建phpbb用户帐户(uid),并且用户登录/注销功能起作用。但是,当我注册新的 phpBB 用户帐户时,phpBB 不会同时在 LDAP 中创建用户帐户。所以我需要在LDAP端手动创建相同用户名的帐户,然后该用户帐户才能登录phpBB系统。 (我在 ubuntu 服务器上使用 openldap)
我的问题是,phpBB 3.0.9 是否完全支持 LDAP? (在LDAP上创建/读取/更新/删除用户帐户)或phpBB 3.0.9仅支持读取LDAP信息?
I'm using phpBB 3.0.9 with LDAP authentication setup. Currently, I need to manually create phpbb user account (uid) in LDAP, and the user login/logout function work. But, when I register a new phpBB user account, phpBB doesn't create the user account in LDAP at the same time. So I need to manually create the same username's account at LDAP side, then the user account can login phpBB system. (I'm using openldap on an ubuntu server)
My question is, does phpBB 3.0.9 fully support LDAP? (create/read/update/delete user account at LDAP) or phpBB 3.0.9 only supports reading LDAP information only?
or should I install another extra third-party plug-in for accessing LDAP in phpBB system?
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PHPBB 3.x 中的 LDAP 支持目前只是一种方式,因此当用户注册时它不会在 LDAP 中创建用户,因此您必须手动维护。请随意在此论坛中提交 Mod 创建请求,PHPBB Mod 创建者之一可能会为您创建一个:
我也不知道有任何现有插件或 Mod 可以为您执行此操作。
LDAP support in PHPBB 3.x is currently only one way, so it does not create users in LDAP when a user registers, so you will have to maintain that manually. Feel free to submit a Mod creation request in this forum and one of the PHPBB Mod creators may create one for you:
I am also not aware of any existing plugins or Mods that does this for you.